i love you

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Millies pov

''hey mills '' finn said

as we stopped kissing

'' yes ? '' I said

'' marry me.'' he said

'' finn I don't know what to say '' I said

'' do you love me '' he asked

'' of course I do '' I said

'' I love you '' he said

'' I love you too '' I said

'' I love you so much I want to marry you I wanna make you happy '' he said

'' give me time to think also where the ring '' I asked

'' ah shit it's in the car '' he said

as I laughed

3 hours later

as I changed into and outfit I decided to go Lilias house

as I changed into and outfit I decided to go Lilias house

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7 minutes later

I knocked on the door

'' oh hi mil come in '' Lilia said

'' can we go somewhere private '' I asked

'' ok the gym it is '' Lilia said

as she took me to her gym she has in the mansion

'' never mind maddies in here '' Lilia said

as she took me to the bowling alley she had in the mansion

'' so what did you want to talk to me about '' Lilia asked

'' so finn asked me to marry him '' I said

'' do you love him '' Lilia asked

'' yes I .. I love him lilia '' i said

'' i really really love him so much '' I said

'' you love him ? '' Lilia asked

'' SO SO MUCH '' I said

'' I say to go for it marry him if you love him '' Lilia said

'' ok I will '' I said

7 minutes later

I went home as I saw the room full of roses and candles

and I saw finn on the floor on his knees with my ring

'' will you marry me '' he asked

'' of course I will '' I said

this is boring ik

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