over pt 3

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Millies pov

I waited for Lilia to wake up

5 minutes later

I saw her eyes opening

'' where's iris '' Lilia asked

'' she's in jail '' I said

'' finn im sorry i didn't know she was your ex we became best friends and I told her about millie moving away and she asked if she can be my spy and I said yes '' Lilia said

'' it's ok lils you didn't know '' Finn said

'' I can't believe she used you so she can kill me '' I said

'' im sorry guys I didn't want to kill anyone I just wanted to bring you guys home cause sadies a wreck without you guys she thinks she's the reason you guys left '' Lilia said

'' pack your stuff already '' Lilia said

as I ran to our room to get my clothes

'' can we say goodbye to some people before we leave '' I asked

'' ok hurry up you have an hour '' Lilia said
Me : Kenzie what's your address I'm coming over

Kenzie : I live on Apple street and it's

she gave me her address

5 minutes later me and Finn ran to issac and Kenzie house

I was sad to leave Kenzie she was kind of my best friend

'' Kenzie me and Flynn were leaving we're moving to Florida it's his mom she's sick '' I cried as I hugged

'' I love you Kenzie ok? I'll come to back visit some day '' I cried

'' I love you too romona bye '' Kenzie said

'' what's going on '' issac said

'' I'll miss you man I'll miss playing fortnite with you '' finn cried

'' why'' he asked

'' we are moving to Florida '' finn said

'' I'll miss you too flynn '' issac said as they hugged

'' bye guys '' we said

1 hour later

we all went on the plane

'' so Lilia what made you come here '' finn asked

'' well it was your mom finn she's sick and Sadie , Sadie thought you left cause of her and she has been depressed'' Lilia said

'' omg '' I said

'' who knows you came here '' I asked

'' iris cause she was my spy but she's in jail now '' Lilia said

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