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Millies pov

I woke up and Finn was still asleep

'' finn '' I tapped his shoulder

'' Finn'' I tapped his shoulder again

'' mm'' he said

'' wake up finn we have to meet Kenzie and Issac at Olive Garden'' I said

'' ugh '' he said as he got up

'' I'm gonna take a shower '' I said

'' can I join you '' he said as he winked

2 minutes later

we showered together

i promised myself we wouldn't do it in the shower millie don't millie don't

Finn pushed me against the wall as he kissed me

'' finn '' i said

'' millie '' he said

fuck it I don't care what I promised myself

i kissed him back passionately

20 minutes later

'' finn finn we should stop we will be late '' I said as I got out of the shower

and changed into my outfit

as Finn changed into his tuxedo

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as Finn changed into his tuxedo

I decided to curl my hair a little

2 hours later

we went to Olive Garden

'' hi guys '' they said

'' hi '' we said as we sat down

'' so romona are you and millie Bobby brown related or something'' Kenzie asked

'' nope not all we just look similar'' I said

'' your nose is a little different'' Kenzie said

but it's the same but ok

'' ok enough about the millie questions '' Kenzie said

'' where do you work '' she asked

'' at Baskin Robins '' I said

'' I work at a  carnival'' she said

'' nice '' I said

'' how did you and Flynn meet '' she asked

oh I don't know how to explain this

'' matchmakers our friends were matchmakers then we fell in love '' Flynn ( finn ) said

'' yeah '' I said

'' where are you from '' she asked

  '' I am from Marbella, Málaga, Andalusia, Spain'' I said

'' nice I'm from Pittsburgh'' she said

'' where Flynn from'' she asked

'' he's from Vancouver Canada '' I said

'' nice '' she said

'' our foods here '' issac said


'' what do you love about Olive Garden '' Kenzie asked

'' I love the salads and spaghetti'' I said

'' me too i love spaghetti '' she said

after we finished our food

I headed home with Finn

'' bye guys '' I said as I got in the car with Finn as we both said bye

'' they seem nice '' finn said

'' yeah they're pretty cool '' I said

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