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Millies pov

20 minutes later

I woke up where am I

as I saw finn

oh my god is he ok?

he was covered in tape

'' alright tapes off love birds '' Jacob said as he and ariel took the tape off of us

'' what do you want ?'' i asked

'' where are my parents '' Jacob asked

'' aren't they at your house '' I said

'' no only my sister is there and she said that they're no where to be found '' he said

'' if this is some kind of revenge game it isn't funny '' he said

'' dude we don't know where your parents are '' Finn said

'' ugh I've heard enough lies Romeo put the tape back on '' Jacob said

as he put the tape back on our mouths


I woke up so did finn

as Romeo took the tape off of his mouth

'' WHERE ARE MY PARENTS '' Jacob yelled

'' we don't know '' me and Finn said

'' I've had enough of these lies '' he said as he took out a gun

'' YOU CANT KILL ME IM- '' i said as I stopped

Romeo had killed jacob

'' why did you do that '' I asked

'' i was only using him '' Romeo said

'' to get Laura back that son of a bitch kissed her after y'all broke up '' Romeo said

'' ok now it's time for your sad ending cause you picked him over me and you played me and Laura was a distraction but I actually started to fall in love until he kissed her and ruined it '' Romeo said

as we saw Sadie and caleb sadie has shot Romeo

'' caleb told me everything'' Sadie Said as she untied me and hugged me

'' I'm so so sorry I forgot you my best friend I can't believe he didn't tell me I lost my memory he used me '' she said as she hugged me

1 year later

the baby had came

our baby boy


'' hey guys let's go to the beach '' Sadie said

10 minutes later

we arrived at the beach

everyone was there sadie and caleb we're back together

maddie ,lilia , Noah ,and gaten

'' just like good old days '' Finn said

as we group hugged



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