im real 

188 8 26

Millies pov

I woke up I should try getting a new job

I changed into this

I changed into this

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10 minutes later

I was walking towards Starbucks since they were hiring

As I dropped my purse

I picked it up as I walked and bumped into someone dropped my purse again picking up again

'' I'm so sorry '' the girl said as I saw who it was it was sadie

'' millie are you even real '' Sadie said

'' are you a ghost '' Sadie asked

'' no sadie im real '' I said

'' it really is you '' she said as she hugged me

as I hugged her back

'' where are you heading '' she asked

'' im going to starbucks to get a job '' I said

'' OMG REALLY I WORK THERE '' Sadie said excited

'' YESSS'' I yelled

'' LETS GO GET YOU THAT JOB '' Sadie yelled as a girl stared and us hugging

'' what have you never seen two girls hugging before '' I said

'' ignore her '' Sadie said

'' maddie hey Millies back !! '' Sadie said

'' OMG MILLIE YOURE HERE '' maddie said as she ran into my arms hugging me so tightly I couldn't breathe

'' I MISSED YOU '' maddie said

'' Maddie I can't breathe '' I said struggling

'' I'm sorry '' she said as she stopped hugging me

'' you work here too '' I asked

'' yep '' Maddie said

'' millie wants to work here too '' Sadie said

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