tell me

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Millies pov

it's been a week and I haven't told finn about what happened and that I went with caleb

'' so are you gonna tell me where you went '' he asked

'' ok I'll tell you '' I said

'' I went with caleb to meadow park to see black hoodie but turn out it was fake and caleb he got trapped in the bath room and gaten came to save him '' I said

'' you put yourself in danger black hoodie could've hurt you and our baby '' he said

'' I know I'm sorry '' I said

'' it's fine just don't do it again cause I love you so much and I don't want to lose you let me know next time '' he said as he looked sad

'' im sorry '' I said

''black hoodie said they would do the reveal of their identity to caleb only and I came with him '' I said

as I saw finn texted Black hoodie

Finn: why don't you just do the identity reveal to all of us you scared?

Black hoodie : I will soon

Finn : ok let us know better not be a trap.

Black hoodie : id never hurt you guys I just like toying with you guys

he / she almost killed caleb.

'' I want you to explain to me what happened at meadow park'' Finn said

7 minutes later.

we arrived

'' so I was behind this bush with my bat and he was searching for black hoodie '' I said

'' not sure what else happened cause I couldn't find him and then I found him in the bathroom'' I said

'' ok so the truth is - '' we heard as we saw ariel and loren

'' what is happening'' I asked finn

'' sounds like she said the truth is '' he said

as we spied

as I fell.

'' oww '' i said

'' what was that '' loren said.

as we ran

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