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Millies pov

I heard my door bell ring so I answered the door 

as I saw finn and and a  blonde girl standing there

'' oh Mills this is loren she wants to come with us to sadies house '' Finn said

'' sure that's fine '' I said I didn't wanna be mean

'' finn can I talk to you '' I asked

as I grabbed his hand and brought him into our room

'' Finn why'd you bring your ex '' I asked

'' she was begging me asking to come with me cause she had nothing to do today'' finn said

'' i said no no and no but she kept begging'' Finn said

'' ok fine she can come '' I said

as we walked out of the room

'' lets go '' Finn said as we walked out

7 minutes later we arrived at sadies mansion

'' wow this place is huge '' loren said

'' so this Sadie girl is she rich '' loren asked

'' no well kinda she lives here with people they all paid for this mansion ''  finn said

as I knocked on the door

lilia answered

'' oh hi guys uh who's this '' Lilia asked

'' this is my - my - friend loren ''finn stuttered

'' come in '' Lilia said 

all eyes were on her

'' hi im loren finns ex girlfriend'' she said

'' your place is very gorgeous'' Loren said

'' thank you'' they  said

'' let's play truth or dare '' noah said

as we sat down on the floor

as the bottle was spinning it landed on finn

'' truths or dare Finn '' noah asked

'' truth '' Finn said

'' finn do you think you'll marry your current girlfriend'' noah asked

'' yes '' he said

as the bottle was spinning it landed on


'' truth or dare '' Finn asked

'' dare '' I said yikes

'' i dare you to point to the hottest person in the room '' he said

'' ok '' I said as I pointed to sadie my other besties are hot   but Sadie is the hottest

'' ok loren truth or dare '' gaten asked

'' truth '' she said

'' do you miss Finn after you broke up '' gaten asked

'' no but I used too '' she said

thank god at least she's not that psychopath

'' I like her already '' everyone said

as me and Finn stood there quiet

as I saw finn go inside

as I ran after him

'' I can't watch this '' he said

'' I can't believe they like her '' Finn said

'' she was with someone else and then she still kept contacting me but I don't care anymore '' he said

'' that's terrible '' I said

''  she left me for someone else '' he said

'' im so sorry '' I said

as he kissed me and carried me upstairs

into the bed room

'' Finn what are doing '' I asked

'' I need a distraction'' he said as he took off my shirt


2 hours later

we headed home

as I saw loren , Sadie , lilia and Maddie

'' im going home '' Finn said

'' lets go loren'' finn said

'' wait can loren sleepover and you guys can come back for her tomorrow'' Maddie asked

'' she can walk home im not coming back '' Finn said

as we left

sorry im posting this late i didn't have time earlier

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