do you want this

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Millies pov


i ran to school since it's monday and changed quickly

i ran to school since it's monday and changed quickly

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7 minutes later

I ran to Maddie I need to tell her about this

'' Maddie help me '' I shouted

'' are you ok calm down what happened'' she asked

'' me and Finn we did it '' I whispered

she stood there speechless

'' I can't stop thinking about him'' I said

'' is he good '' she asked that's not helping at all

as I saw him in the hallway

'' mills come to my place later at 7 '' he said

'' what for '' I asked

'' I'll tell you later '' he said

Maddie was winking

'' what the hell maddie stop winking '' I said 

she's disgusting

It was 7:00

I went to Finn place

'' mills '' he said

'' yes '' i said

'' come in '' he said

'' let's do it again '' he said as he kissed me

'' no no stop '' I said

'' do you want this '' he said as he looked me in the eyes

i do but this isn't right

'' I - '' I stuttered

I kissed him


that morning did we do it ?

I laughed

'' hey princess '' he said

'' you can wear my hoodie to school  if you want '' he said

'' ok '' I said as I tried on the hoodie

'' ok '' I said as I tried on the hoodie

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it smells like him

'' thank you '' I said

'' I made you waffles '' he said


we went to school

this skirt and hoodie didn't go well together

'' what are you wearing '' Lilia asked

'' I know it looks bad but I couldn't changed cause I slept at Finns house'' I said

'' did you guys '' Lilia asked

'' yes yes we did '' I said

'' I can't believe you guys did it '' she screamed

'' shut up '' I said

as everyone looked at me and Lilia

'' what '' Lilia said

as they stopped staring


I went home to change into shirt

4 minutes later

I walked to Finns house to give his hoodie back to him

'' hey finn here's your hoodie '' I said

'' no you keep it '' he said

'' to think of me '' he said

'' ok bye'' I said politely as I walked home

Iris's pov

I waited for Laura to come back from spying

Me and my friends we made a hate page for her for millie so finn doesn't like her anymore

'' I am back '' Laura said ( my friend )

'' oh ok does he hate her '' I asked

'' no um well they '' Laura said as she didn't finish the sentence

'' what?! '' I yelled

'' they did it '' she said

'' son of a bitch '' I yelled

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