youre gonna wish it was

130 4 31

Finns pov

i didn't think she'd do something like this maybe it isn't loren I don't know but I have a feeling it is


as I arrived at the  mansion

i rang the door bell

as I saw the door opening

it was caleb opening the door

'' finn hey what are you doing here '' caleb asked

'' I need to see loren'' I said as he moved away from the door

as I walked up stairs and opened Lorens door she was on her phone

'' loren i know what you did '' I said

'' im sorry what are you talking about '' loren said

'' you know what im talking about '' I said

'' is it about me breaking up with you and then I caught feelings for someone else i said i was sorry and I said I hope we can be friends'' loren said

'' no about these text is this you '' i said as I showed the text but not the part of the person saying they know what nick did

Black hoodie  : hi finny

Me : who is this ?

Black hoodie  : my identity is a secret

Me : is this a prank ?

'' loren i swear if this is you '' i said

'' its not me might be caleb or gaten or noah or millie or Lilia or Maddie but it's definitely not me not saying it's them either why would you accuse me of this '' loren said

'' let me check your phone '' I said

'' no '' loren said

'' fine just show me your text with me '' i said

as she went on her phone looking for text as I watched her make sureing she didn't delete anything

''i don't have any text with you you blocked me '' loren said

as I read it says for her you've been blocked by this user i am dumb

as I left the room

I went down stairs and told them about the text I had been receiving and check their phones


none of them had done it who the hell could this be ? i didn't think they would've done such things but i just needed to check

7 minutes later

i went home and I saw millie on her phone she was gasping 

'' mills what's wrong '' I asked

as she showed me her phone she showed me text she got from black widow  that bastard I swear if he / she touches millie it'll be over for him

Black hoodie   : hey millie;)

Me ( millie ) : who is this

Black hoodie  : my identity is a secret luv

Me ( millie ) : is this a prank? cause it isn't funny

Black hoodie : nope but you're gonna wish it was

'' it's your ex loren'' millie said

'' I checked her phone it wasn't her and i have been getting these text to I checked everyone's phone and it isn't them '' I said

'' we'll figure out who this black hoodie   person is ''

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