is this fake

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Millies pov

'' hey jacob''  I said if you don't know who Jacob is he is my boyfriend

'' hey '' Jacob said

'' what are you doing '' I asked

'' im going to take a shower '' he said

i kissed him and he just left to the bathroom he never shows me love any more. :/

he used to be love able

I changed into my sexy outfit we haven't had sex in a so long almost a year

'' hey '' I said as I sat on the bed

'' did I forget my towel '' he said

'' here it is '' he said as he left to the bathroom

what the actual fuck

I got a notification

Leakedcelebs tagged you in a post 

i decided to look at the post they tagged me in
Leakedcelebs: Jacob sartorius and a girl kissing caught cheating on millie Bobby brown !! 😳😬 so sorry millie

i decided to look at the post they tagged me in Leakedcelebs: Jacob sartorius and a girl kissing caught cheating on millie Bobby brown !! 😳😬 so sorry millie

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Milliebobbybrown : is this fake?

Leakedcelebs reply to millliebobbybrown: im afraid to say this but no it isn't fake it was seen just today   I'm sorry 😐 !!

I waited till Jacob got out of the shower.

And changed back into my normal clothes

'' hey millie'' Jacob said

'' is this real '' I asked angrily showing him the picture

'' where did you find that '' he asked

'' just tell me is it real '' I said

'' ok fine yes it's real we've been dating for over a year now me and im sorry i love you ok babe '' he said as he tried to grab my hand

I stepped back

'' don't touch me '' I said

'' don't call me babe and don't say you love me '' I yelled

'' cause if you did you wouldn't have cheated goodbye Jacob '' I said as I left his house

I ran home in the rain as I cried I didn't care that it was raining

5 minutes later

I stopped walking and called Sadie to pick me up

'' hey Sadie '' I said

'' hey millie are you ok you sound like you were crying '' Sadie said

'' can you please pick me up I'm by a bus stop near Jacobs house '' I said

'' why couldn't he just '' she said as I hung up I don't want to talk about it over the phone

8 minutes later

'' omg mil you're all wet '' Sadie said

I ran in sadies car crying

'' what happened why didn't jacob take you home '' she asked

'' he cheated on me '' I said

'' I'm so sorry mil'' Sadie said

8 minutes later

Not one of us said a word during the ride

I went inside my house into my room

Lilias pov

Sadie came to my house

'' hey Sadie'' me and Maddie said

'' hey '' she said

'' what are you doing here '' I said politely

'' well millie got cheated right now and she's not too happy right now'' Sadie said

'' we saw the picture on leakedcelebs'' me and Maddie said

'' he's disgusting '' Sadie said

'' what should we do to make her happy '' Maddie said

'' I don't know '' Sadie said

I thought of a idea not to make her happy but I think we should hire a boyfriend for her a fake one but maybe this will make her happy? 

'' guys lets hire mil a fake bf '' i said

'' that sounds good '' Sadie agreed

'' for what though'' Maddie asked

'' to make jacob so jealous hes gonna realize he lost a gem '' I said

'' yes let's do it '' they agreed

'' i'll hire him and then you guys can introduce him to millie '' I said

'' when '' they asked

'' I don't know maybe soon '' I said

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