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Millies pov

'' what about my kiss ? '' he asked

'' I ended this fake relationship thing cause I think Jacobs dead '' I said

'' but the doctors said that '' I said as he cut me off

'' oh that well I bribed them to lie for me cause I needed a break from this drama bullshit '' he said

2 hours later

I stayed in this house with Finn it's very quiet here and peaceful

but I need to leave this city we should run away together

I hopped in the shower

a few moments later finn joined me in the shower

'' how the hell did you get in here '' I asked

'' the door wasn't locked '' he said

'' get '' i said as he cut me off by kissing me

'' you were saying '' he said

as I kissed him back

3 hours later

'' I have to visit Sadie '' I told finn

'' ok bye mills um your wig and glasses '' he said

'' right '' I said we are wearing wigs and glasses so no one recognizes us

I walked to sadies house since it's not far from here

10 minutes later

fuck my phone shit I left it at home

I opened the gate and saw Sadie standing there and Jacob holy shit HES ALIVE ?! what do I do I didn't bring my phone to call the police fuck fuck

I saw a rock

I threw a big rock at his head

shit I knew that would happen

I ran behind a bush

as he found me and was holding sadies arm tightly

'' oh it's you '' he said shit my wig and glasses fell he recognizes me

as I ran into the backyard again

'' guess this is a goodbye Sadie ''he said

'' NO'' I said as I stood Infront of her

'' millie what are you doing '' she asked

'' kill me '' I said

'' no don't this mil kill me jacob '' Sadie said

he got close to me and he pushed me away from Sadie

as he shot sadie

'' NO '' I yelled

'' Sadie please wake up '' I said

'' oh and Millie I think it's your goodbye too say hello to your - '' he fell to the floor

I saw finn he shot him

'' call the ambulance now !! '' I yelled


why do good people have to get shot they don't deserve it

I sat there crying and so was Caleb

'' i hope my girlfriend is ok '' he said

'' i hope so too '' I said

I saw finn and ran into his arms

'' what took you so long '' I asked

'' I had to deal with something it's ok I'm here now '' he said

Later that day

'' Finn I think we should stop this fake relationship thing I know Jacobs not dead but it's just too much drama '' I said

'' mills -'' he said as I cut him off

'' I'm sorry '' I said

'' you don't mean this you're just trying to push me away and it isn't working you don't want this I can tell '' he yelled

'' finn '' I yelled

He kissed me

I needed him

'' mills I like you a lot I don't care if you want to push me away cause I know that's bullshit I need you '' he said

'' but why'' I asked

'' you hated me '' I said

'' at first when we met I thought you were pretty annoying but '' finn said

'' when you got shot I thought I was gonna lose you and I realized I liked you a lot '' he said

'' i was so scared that I'd lose you forever '' he said

'' when you got shot by Jacob I thought I was gonna lose you too '' I said

'' I'm happy being with you millie I want to be with you so please don't push me away like this '' he said

'' I want to be with you too I can't imagine myself without you '' I said

'' Finn lets get out of this state and run away together '' I said

Finns pov

I am gonna tell gaten about this but not the state I'm going to just the fact that me and mills are running away

8 minutes later

'' what are you guys doing here '' he asked

'' gaten please don't tell anyone about this but me and millie we are leaving this state were running away '' I said

'' what state '' he asked

'' I can't tell you I'm sorry '' I said

'' what about Sadie she'll be wondering where millie is when she wakes up '' gaten said

''   you can tell her but tell her not to tell anyone '' millie said

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