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Millies pov

we arrived in Miami ( home )

me and Finn weren't sure if we should go home later or now

'' we should meet my mom since we are dating now '' finn said

'' really '' I asked

'' yes '' he said

'' millie'' I heard a voice

as I saw Noah running towards me hugging me

'' YOURE ALIVE '' he said

'' we didn't die '' me and Finn said

'' oh everyone thought you guys did '' he said as he hugged finn

'' how did you know we were here '' I asked

'' i didn't know I was just passing by and I saw you guys '' he said

'' ok '' we said

'' bye '' we said

10 minutes later

Finn knocked on his door

as a boy opened the door

'' Finn? '' he said

'' Nick is mom home ? '' finn asked the boy

'' yes she's been worried sick about you '' Erick said as he let us in

'' wait here mills I need to let my mom know you're here and see her '' finn said

Finns pov

I went upstairs into my mom room

she was looking out the window

'' mom'' I said as she turned towards me she looked sad

'' you're here '' she said

'' how are you '' she asked

'' are you ok '' she asked

'' i missed you so much '' she said

'' I'm ok and mom I heard you were sick '' I said

'' i am not '' she said

'' MOM '' I yelled

'' i was sick but im fine now '' she said

'' that's good to hear , mom can I introduce to my girlfriend she's down stairs '' she said

'' finn weren't you fake dating a girl '' she said

'' yes but the girl I was fake dating I'm dating now '' I said

'' id love to meet her '' she said

'' ok she's downstairs'' I said

2 minutes later

'' this is millie mom '' I said

'' hi millie'' she said

'' hi ''Mills said

'' would you like to eat you guys must be starving '' mom said ( I fixed the wording lol i worded that wrong )

'' of course '' me and millie said

1 hour later

our food was ready

we ate chicken and rice

'' im so happy both of you are back '' mom said

'' what made you come back'' she asked

'' our friend lilia came to our house and she told us everything that's happening here so we decided to come back '' I said

'' finn I wanted to talk to you about something um your room i don't know what to say '' she said

'' mom what did you do '' I asked

'' well I uh - '' she said as she got cut off by someone

''hi miss wolfhard are you here '' I heard a voice it was NO NO NO NOT HER


'' oh hi uh guys '' she said as she went upstairs

'' mom how could you give my room away to her '' I asked

'' im sorry finn she had no where to go she got evicted so i took her in i felt bad '' she said

'' honey she isn't that bad unlike iris '' she said that is true loren doesn't cause that much drama and isn't a psychopath well she did walk in on me and millie'' doing it '' well i faked '' doing it '' with millie along time ago

2 hours later

I took my suitcase and we left to lilias grandpas old house his house is pretty nice it was millie and I's hide out house

'' hey finn im gonna go home to see my mom '' millie said

'' ok mills'' I said as I walked to our old house

Millies pov

I walked into my house since the door was open and I saw my mum.

she was talking to ava

'' millie'' my mum said

''you're alive where were you ?'' She asked

'' i ran away '' I said

'' why '' she asked

'' it's a long story '' I said

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