i dont know

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Millies pov

i got out of bed and got ready for work

7 minutes later I left my house and arrived


hours later

I arrived at home and finn was just sitting there eating junk food watching Netflix

'' netflix is my girlfriend'' Finn said

as I heard cop cars I looked out my window

cops were here? i wonder why

as they knocked on our door as I ran to the door and answered

'' hello what can I help you with '' I asked

'' we have a few questions for you and finn wolfhard ms. brown about mr. sartorius '' the officer said

'' ok '' I said

'' when did you last see jacob sartorius? '' the officer asked

'' i saw him 3 years ago I just got back from another state '' I said

'' hey officers what's up '' Finn said

'' we have a few questions for you and ms. Brown about mr. sartorius '' the officers said

'' ok ask us anything'' Finn said

'' when did you last see jacob'' the officer asked

'' 3 years ago '' Finn said

'' where did you last see him '' they asked

'' we saw at our friends house '' we said

'' did he mention anything about leaving the state '' the officer asked

'' nope '' me and Finn said

'' what's your relationship with him '' the officer asked

'' he's my ex boyfriend'' I said

'' he's nothing to me '' Finn said

'' what was he last wearing '' the officers asked

shit i don't know

'' i don't know '' I said

'' do you know '' the officer asked finn

'' i don't know '' Finn said

'' thank you thats all we needed to know ms. sartorius and mr. sartorius are looking for her son and so are we '' they said

as they left

Finns pov

I got a text from nick after the cops left

Nick : Finn come over now!!

Me : why?

Nick : I have something to tell you

Me : can it wait ?

Nick : it's important

Me : I'm coming


sorry this was kinda boring

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