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Millies pov

'' loren isn't back yet and everyone is worried now '' Finn said

'' lets go to the mansion and try to find evidence'' Finn said

10 minutes later

we arrived at the mansion

and looked for evidence

I did find a purse.

'' finn I found lorens purse '' I said

as we looked at it

'' she wouldn't go anywhere without her purse '' finn said

'' black hoodie probably took her I wish we could save her but we don't know where she is '' I said

'' you're right '' he said

4 hours later

we headed back home

'' mills wanna go to the beach '' finn asked

'' sure '' I said

'' it's kinda dark '' I said

'' it's ok ill protect you '' he said

'' it's ok ill protect you '' he said

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i changed into my bikini as we left

8 minutes later

we arrived at the beach

as we laid on the floor

'' why did you wanna come to the beach '' I asked him

'' I just wanted to see the stars I needed a night out '' he said as he held my hand

'' i love you mills im sorry I don't tell you that enough'' he said

'' I love you too '' I said

as he got on top of me kissing my neck

taking off my shorts

yeah i'm not going into details y'all.


the next morning

we arrived at the manison

loren still isn't here

as I heard ring tones we got texts

as I read the text black hoodie send finn

Black hoodie : aw loren is gone so sad.

Finn : where is she?

Black hoodie : wanna find out?

Finn : yeah.

Black hoodie : play my game.

Finn : ok what is it?

Black hoodie : break up with Millie.


Black hoodie : have it your way.

Black hoodie : i'll just leak something 🤩✨😍🙈🦋 🥵

Finn : what are you gonna leak?

Black hoodie : oh just this video I took.

Black hoodie : * sends a video*

Finn : you're a pervert.

Finn : delete it.

i can't believe it black hoodie leaked the video he took of us at the beach doing it.

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