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Millies pov

I waited for Sadie to arrive at my house

and made sure finn was gone

she said she didn't want him to hear this cause he'd might wanna leave again but i hope it isn't that bad

'' alright mills im gonna see my brother bye '' he said as he kissed my forehead

7 minutes later

I heard a knock

as I walked to the door

it's Sadie

'' come in '' I said

as I walked to the table

'' you know jacob'' Sadie said

'' yeah i don't even know what happened to him I haven't heard from him ever since he was in the hospital and since I left '' I said

'' well I have to tell you something '' Sadie said

'' Sadie you're scaring me '' I said

'' well I don't think he's dead or he might be'' Sadie said

'' what do you mean by that '' I asked

'' he's been missing '' Sadie said

'' what do you mean '' I said

'' he's been missing for a month and no one has seen him '' Sadie said

'' oh my god '' I said

'' mil please don't leave again ok? '' Sadie said

'' ok i won't '' I said

'' please don't tell finn either he might think of leaving too '' Sadie said

'' I won't '' I said

'' we should ask mrs. sartorius if she knows why he went missing '' Sadie said

'' yeah you're right '' I said

'' hi guys '' I heard a voice it was finn

as me and Sadie went to the door

'' where are you guys going '' Finn asked

'' just to chick fil a '' I said as we left

as we got in sadies

'' if he ask for chick fil a on text say you didn't get the text cause we aren't getting chick fil a'' Sadie said

as we arrived at mrs sartorius's house

we rang the door bell

'' hey millie and '' she said as she stopped her self

'' what is your name '' she asked Sadie

'' it's Sadie '' Sadie said

'' what bring you too here '' she asked

'' we wanna ask why jacob went missing '' I said

'' come in '' mrs . Sartorius said

'' so why did he go missing '' Sadie asked

'' that I don't know but I don't know he and I fought cause I saw him drinking beer he was drunk and he was so depressed that night and I don't even know what happened he fought with his friend about something I don't know what it was and then I took his beer away from him cause he drank a lot of it and I was afraid he was gonna do something stupid '' she said as she started crying

'' how long has he been gone '' I asked

'' it's been a month since he left and I have put lost posters of him and no ones seen him '' she said

'' that's all we wanted to know '' I said as we left

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