shadow pt2

102 5 13

Millies pov

as I looked behind me a person with a black hoodie was behind me with a mask

I panicked

I knocked down the plant I saw so he or she wouldn't catch up with me

as I got to the table I ran into Finns arms

'' mills what are you doing '' he asked

'' someone followed me to the bathroom it was black hoodie but I ran so fast so he didn't catch up and knocked over a plant '' I said

'' let's just eat this food mills and we'll leave after '' Finn said

8 minutes later

we finished the food and left

7 minutes later

we arrived at home

'' mills are you ok '' finn asked as I ran into his arms and hugged him

'' yes i'm fine i saw black hoodie she chased me when I was walking out of the bathroom '' I said

'' and I panicked thinking I would be dead but i knock down a plant so she wouldn't catch up with me and ran all the way to you '' I said

as I heard a knock on the door

there was a box outside

I picked up and closed the door

'' what's that '' he asked

'' no idea '' I said

'' what if it's dangerous let's open the box together'' Finn said

''ok '' i said

it's the bracelet Jacob gave me when we were dating

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it's the bracelet Jacob gave me when we were dating

what the fuck did his mom send this?

'' I wonder if his mom send this cause who else would have '' I said

Black hoodie : me I send that to you

Me : what why

Black hoodie : to remember jacob everyone misses him.

i figured out black hoodies identity now

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