over pt 2

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Finns pov

'' how did you find me '' I asked

'' I hired a spy she found you guys and mil always said her dream place was to go to Paris and here we are '' she said

'''Lilia what are you doing here '' millie said

'' taking you guys back home tomorrow your packing your stuff and we are going home '' Lilia said

'' only if mills want to go back I want to go back '' I said

'' don't even try to escape it won't work '' Lilia said

i heard a window break

it's i don't know the girl the girl took of her wig and glasses it's iris

but she's dead

'' miss me '' she said

'' what '' Lilia said

'' i was talking to finn and millie he's my ex boyfriend'' iris said

'' YOURE IRIS FINNS EX '' Lilia said

'' I thought you were my friend '' Lilia said

she went close to Lilia and shot her with a syringe

lilia fell asleep as we stood there shocked

'' did you think I was gonna kill her she was good help though she's just asleep '' iris said

'' im so sorry millie but goodbye for good this time '' iris said as she looked confused

'' my gun fuck it isn't in here I'll be back don't move '' iris said

I called 911

'' there is someone trying to kill me and my girlfriend we live on apple street address' is '

I gave him our address

'' ok I'll be back again I still haven't found my gun '' Iris said

2 minutes later

'' I found it now millie it's time for your goodbye i never wanna see you again '' iris said

'' leave her alone '' I yelled

I heard sirens

'' DROP YOUR WEAPON HANDS UP '' the police officers yelled

as they came in and arrested iris

'' you are under arrest for trying to kill people twice and faking your death '' the police said

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