done this

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Millies pov

as I saw finn he was sitting at the table 

'' mills im gonna tell you what he was talking about '' Finn said

'' so it started 2 years ago he had another girlfriend before you '' finn said

'' and then me and her well we kissed and then one day he saw my jacket I left at her house and figured it out and then she denied it and he believed her and then he caught us we slept together'' Finn said

'' we were best friends '' Finn said

'' that's why he's doing this to me and you and everyone '' Finn said

'' and I think he got more mad at me when we started fake dating '' finn said

'' i never knew 'i said

'' when me and him were dating he never told me about having a best friend'' I said

'' I just used you to get over her '' I heard a voice

it was jacob

'' what ?! '' I asked

'' yeah it was like that you were just a distraction but then I actually started to like you '' he said


'' you wouldn't have cheated '' I said

'' yeah I know I messed up '' he said

'' how did you get in here '' Finn asked

'' y'all are forgetting I'm black hoodie so I can pick locks and break in '' he said

'' what about you and lilia '' I asked

'' when we were at that party she was drunk and I was a little drunk but she was a little drunk  but it was all me mostly i did it with her I took advantage of her '' he said

'' I made the move on her she was flirting with me but im the one who took advantage'' he said

'' it was mostly me '' he said

'' i know she let you take advantage of her she told me she wanted it to happen '' I said

'' im heading off now have to do some business'' he said as he left

'' hey are you ok '' Finn said

'' im fine i need to leave for a bit don't come with me '' I said as I left

As I went for a walk I started crying

my  best friend had forgot me and my ex boyfriend just confessed he never really loved me when we were dating and he cheated on me with 3 girls.

I don't really care abut the cheating thing now that I know I wasn't loved

I wasn't looking where I was walking cause it started raining

as I cried near a bus stop

sadies pov

as I was going towards jacobs old  house

I saw that millie girl crying by a bus stop ugh she's my enemy


FLASH BACK FROM CHAPTER 2 '' is this fake  ''

'' omg mil you're all wet '' Sadie said

Millie ran in the car crying

'' what happened why didn't jacob take you home '' sadie  asked

'' he cheated on me '' millie said

'' I'm so sorry mil'' Sadie said


i feel like ive seen this before

as I went closer to her

'' get in im taking you home '' I said

like I've picked her up from here before.

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