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Millies pov

Idk why but that ariel girl gave me a weird vibe

if she's lorens friend why didn't loren move in with her

maybe not enough space


'' lorens never mentioned you '' finn said

'' we just became best friends a week ago at chick fil a '' ariel said

again weird vibes

there's something off about her

maybe she's black hoodie

Black hoodie : you're really gonna accuse this girl you just met? wow .

maybe black hoodie is right shouldn't accuse her of such thing

i don't even know her as a person

why would she be black hoodie ?

as I saw finn he looked worried as well

as he went outside

as I followed him outside

'' hey finn what's wrong '' I asked

'' nothing to worry about mills '' finn said

'' Finn ? '' I said

'' what if she's black hoodie '' finn said

as I heard a ring tone Finn got a text

'' what's wrong '' i asked

'' it's black hoodie '' finn said as I looked at the text

Black hoodie : wow I see you're accusing a girl you just met that she's me .


'' hey guys what's going on '' i heard a voice it was ariel

'' morning we just needed air '' I said

'' come inside lilia said they're making spaghetti'' ariel said

as we walked to the door and went inside

5 minutes later

we ate the spaghetti

but I wanted to go home

'' bye guys were leaving'' i said as I grabbed Finns hand

'' whoa mills we just got here '' finn said

'' i don't wanna leave let's stay '' finn said

'' fine you can stay im leaving '' I said

Finns pov

we just got here and she already wants to leave she's acting weird today

'' let's play truth or dare '' caleb said

'' we aren't 12 '' ariel said

'' just for that you are going first '' caleb said

'' truth or dare '' caleb said

'' dare '' ariel said

'' color one of your teeth black '' caleb said

as she grabbed a crayon coloring her teeth black



i realized I got another text from black hoodie

Black hoodie : should've went home with your girlfriend you're gonna regret letting her go home by herself - bw ❤️

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