in my head

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Millies pov

this is the day she died

it's been a year and we miss her so much she died august 21

'' hey '' I heard a voice

as I looked it was sadie

she's in my head again im turning into caleb

'' hey Sadie '' I said I spoke to her ghost

'' i really shoudnt have went to the bathroom for a long time but please stay strong for me millie'' sadie said

'' i will sadie i miss you '' I said

'' I miss you too '' she said

as she left

her ghost sometimes appears it's just in my head

she's in calebs head all the time

as I heard a knock

I answered the door it was caleb

as i saw tears on his face he was broken.

he had lost his girlfriend.

'' hey '' I said

'' hey '' he said as he came in

'' what's up'' I asked

'' I see sadies ghost all the time and she says mean things to me '' he said

'' what do you mean '' I asked

'' like she says '' it's all your fault '' '' he said

'' caleb you tried to save her but it was too late it wasn't your fault we tried to save her '' I said

'' and gaten keeps telling me to move on but i don't want to move on i still love sadie'' he said

'' we all miss her '' I heard a voice it was finn


as I saw everyone we saw them all standing infront of a new house

as I saw everyone we saw them all standing infront of a new house

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who's manison is this?

'' surprise this is what we wanted to show you guys we got a new mansion'' Lilia said

'' wow it's so fancy '' I said

'' but does black hoodie know where you guys live cause last time something bad happened and all of us almost died '' finn said

'' and sadie passed away '' caleb said

'' we don't know if black hoodie knows '' they said

as I heard ring tones

black hoodie had texted all of us

Black hoodie : oh but I do know. i know where all of you live

how does black hoodie find this stuff out so quickly?

'' i will kill this fucker '' caleb said

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