girlfriend ?!

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Millies pov

I got ready for school

I'm gonna text finn to see if he's coming to the dance

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I'm gonna text finn to see if he's coming to the dance

Me : hey finn are you coming to the dance?

Finn : nope.

Me : please finn

Finn : no I don't like dances


Finn : ok we'll go


7 minutes later

I arrived at school

'' hey millie are you and Finn going to the dance '' Lilia asked

'' yeah ''I said

'' ok so we need to pick an outfit '' Maddie said

'' yes we do '' Sadie said

'' ok guys you can pick an outfit '' I said

Later that day ...

we went to the shop to pick a dress

'' ok what about this one guys '' Lilia said pointing to the dress

'' I like it '' Maddie said

'' I don't '' Sadie said

'' how about this dress '' Sadie said point to the pink dress

'' ABSOLUTELY NOT '' Lilia yelled

'' NOO '' maddie said

'' this dress is perfect guys '' Sadie yelled

'' no it isn't '' Maddie and Lilia said

now they're arguing

2 hours later

'' this is perfect '' they all agreed

'' mill what do you think '' they asked

'' it's beautiful''

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