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Millies pov

''what shall we do today '' I said

'' we should go out with our friends oh wait we don't have any '' I said

'' oh there's a lot of stuff we can do today '' he said as he winked


'' Finn !!'' i yelled

'' you meant leave the house?  '' he said

'' we can go to the movies or go to the beach '' he said

'' i want to go to the movies '' I said

'' ok''he said

i changed into an outfit

10 minutes later we arrived at the movies

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10 minutes later we arrived at the movies

we watched it

3 minutes later

I closed my eyes cause I was so scared of pennywise

'' romona it's just a movie '' he said

'' I know but clowns scare me '' I said

'' it's not too bad '' I said

'' ok '' I said

6 minutes later

we weren't watching the movie at all i was just playing with his curls and we were just kissing

'' romona lets go '' he said

'' where '' I asked

'' we are going home cause you're too distracting'' he said

'' fine '' I said

10 minutes later

we arrived at home

the movie was kinda scary I didn't pick it finn did

we should watch Shakespeare next time

he took off his jacket as he took off my shirt and started kissing me

a day later

'' finn let go of me I have to go to work and change '' I said

'' no i will keep you here '' he said

'' finn pl-'' i said as he cut me off by kissing me

as I kissed back he's addicting

'' skip work today '' he said

fuck it

sorry this chapters boring

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