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yall get this extra chapter since the last two were boring :)

Finns pov

I rushed to my old house cause nick was there and it was important

10 minutes later

I arrived at my old house

I saw nick standing outside

'' what's up '' I asked

'' I got a text '' nick said

'' so? '' I said

'' from an anonymous person '' nick said

'' let me see '' I said

as he showed me the text

these are nicks text guys not finns btw so if it says me its meant for nick

Black hoodie : i know what you did.

Me ( nick ) : what do you mean ?

Black hoodie : you killed sartorius.

Me ( nick ) : i don't know what you're talking about.

Black hoodie  : don't be dumb i saw you hit him with a shovel ;)

Me : I didn't.

this isn't good he could go to jail but who will believe this anonymous person anyway there's no proof but oh shit this person can take them to the hole nick buried him in and show them i didn't think of that

'' nick what are we gonna do ?! '' I yelled

'' i'll burry him somewhere else '' nick said

as I heard a ring tone nick got another text

as I looked at the text with him

Black hoodie : wouldn't do that if I were you I have a video 😳

nick texted him/ her back

Me ( nick ) : who are you?

Black hoodie : I can't tell you that luv

Me : what do you want?

Black hoodie   : you know what I want :)

this is weird

as I got a text as well wonder who it is

Black hoodie : hi finny

Me: who is this ?

Black hoodie : your worst nightmare

Me : is this a prank ?

Black hoodie : nope why would I joke about this finny i know what your brother did and I know who you are and soon I will stop you

as I didn't reply back and just blocked them

i think this is iris but she's in jail and jacobs dead so it can't be them


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