°•°Chapter 1°•°

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"Moving on is easy. It's staying moved on that's trickier."
Katerina Stoykova Klemer.

Chloe's POV.

"Thank you so much! You made our day extra special," Lisa says hugging me while trying not to ruin her wedding dress.

"I didn't have to do a thing, you were picture-perfect," I say smiling as I pack my camera equipment. Being a photographer, it was a pleasure to be able to capture someone's most memorable moments.

I look around to check for anything I probably missed packing before grabbing my bags and looking around the beautifully decorated ranch. One of the most perfect weddings I've ever captured, though wedding photography wasn't my main field, I did it occasionally.

"Here you go," Daniel, my photography partner and friend says holding a camera lens that I missed packing. "Shit, thank you!"

I swear, realizing how I almost lost an expensive lens, "So want to grab some dinner?"

Daniel asks as he neatly placed the lens inside my bag before looking up with an award-winning smile, "I'm tired, I'll just go home and order in,"

Giving him an apologizing smile, we start walking out of the ranch while he chuckles before speaking up, "Okay then, meet you at the studio tomorrow,"

He says with disappointment lacing in his voice, "We could grab breakfast tomorrow, now stop being fussy about it," I smile gently slapping his arm in an attempt to lighten up the mood.

It's almost like a tradition for us to go out for drinks or just food after any successful photoshoot, childish but it's sweet, "Okay then,"

Daniel's face finally lightens up with a grin, I guess he's been that person who's always tried lightening up my mood especially ever since Zach walked away two years ago. A sigh escapes my lips as I reach my car and shake my head in an attempt to let go of his thoughts.

"Good night Dan," placing my bags into the rear seat of my car, I turn around to look at Dan who's busy on his phone.

"Good night, Chloe," he says finally looking up before walking away in the direction of his car. I walk up to the driver's seat and get into my car, shutting the door before letting out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. This is what even the thought of Zach does to me.

I look out of the windshield, staring out into the darkness in the sky, "He doesn't deserve you, Chloe,"

Telling myself that out loud was just a way to try make me forget how he left me hanging, but deep down, I didn't believe in what I was trying to convince myself. Calming myself down, I grab the bottle of water and drink it down to hydrate myself.

I drive out of the driveway before hitting the silent road of Colorado, this was bliss to drive without annoying traffic. Humming to the low music playing in the background, I smile as the cool air hits my skin. This was life for me, just peaceful without any drama.

I get off the car as I reach my small cottage house and open the gates before driving in again. Stopping the car once again, I get off to close the gates sighing. This is that one annoying thing but again it is my home sweet home.

Parking my car in its usual place, I sigh opening the door for the third time before hopping out feeling the tiredness wash over me. Grabbing my phone and just a few more things, I walk up to the porch of my house and unlock the tall wooden door. The damn vintage that I fell for when I bought this house.

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