°•°Chapter 9°•°

144 11 5

"Moments of kindness and reconciliation are worth having, even if the parting has to come sooner or later."
Alice Munro.

Chloe's POV.

"Just don't let him fuck with your head like last time okay?"

"I promise, I'll be just fine and Lance, please stop worrying so much," I rub my hand over my face. I didn't realize how much Lance cared until last night, he sure was there through it all but was never this expressive.

"Take care beautiful, I've got work to get to,"

"Take care of yourself too. Bye,"

"Bye," biting my lower lip, I hang up on the call. I'm going to miss this guy too now, "Was that Lance?"

I almost jump on my seat before looking up to meet Zach's gaze. His hair all messy but making him look like a kid and his blue eyes make my breath catch in my throat. He stands there shirtless making my heart go fucking wild and I tear my gaze away from his, "Yeah,"

I stand up turning on the espresso machine for his mug of coffee and get my thoughts in control. Dan's decision to leave us to talk alone was surely better cause the fucking tension would've been unbearable, "Here you go,"

Placing the mug of coffee in front of him, I ignore his gaze before getting a pill out of the bottle of Advil, "Thank you,"

His voice is barely a whisper as he walks around to sit next to me, I grab his hand and place the pill on his palm. I finally look up as he swallowed the Advil silently before washing it down with the water, "I'm sorry,"

I glare at him one last time before walking away to fill Snowy's bowl with food for him, "You recognize me fella?" I hear Zach talking to Snowy making my heart clench.

We adopted Snowy together for god's sake, turning around I see Zach laugh as he plays with Snowy. An unplanned smile cracks on my face looking at the both of them and Zach looks up grinning, "He recognizes me,"

I shake my head unable to wipe off the smile on my face, "Stop giving me that face, I'm still mad at you,"

Reminding him, I walk closer, "I know," was all he said before his grin reduced into a small smile making me sigh. Snowy leaves us and heads to his now refilled bowl of food and I take a seat next to Zach.

"What the hell were you thinking last night?" I question him closing my eyes shut as I could feel my headache make it's way back again, "Can we not talk about it right now please?"

I look up to meet his pleading eyes, "How do I know, you wouldn't just ditch me like last time and leave?"

"Because I'm back to stay, sugar."

"Don't call me that. Only my best friend got to call me that, you're not the same person anymore," I say as I feel my eyes prickling with tears while his hand reaches out to mine.

He forces me to look at him, "Chloe, please give me a chance to fix things,"

I shake my head blinking away the tears, "Fix it like you did last night?" his hand drops onto his lap as he sighs not meeting my gaze, "That letter... that'd have saved this mess,"

"What do you mean?" I ask not looking away from him, "I-I wrote that I'd be back as a better person Chloe,"

I slap my forehead letting out a dry laugh, "Seriously dumbass? Do you think that would've stopped me from being mad at you? Did you really think, I would just be okay with you leaving me hanging even if you left behind a fucking letter?"

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