°•°Chapter 27°•°

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"Each day is always breaking out anewAspirations swirling around what you do."
Richard L. Ratliff.

Chloe's POV.

"Oh come on, Blake! Mom's already busy this year and you too now?!" I whine over the phone as Dan walks into my office with a confused expression and I just shrug, "I know little sis, but there's no way I can skip work and I'll be cutting it too close to the holiday. Also, I don't think we'll be getting any flights,"

Blake sighs and I just close my eyes, shaking my head, "I guess we'll just have to video call for Christmas then?"

"It sounds horrible when you put it that way, we never spent Christmas apart,"

"I know but I guess this is going to be the first and hopefully the last,"

"I promise, it's the first and the last time," he seconds with guilt filling his voice. That isn't what was intended to happen but it did, "I've got to go, sis, I love you. I'll call you tonight,"

"Bye Blake, love you too," with that he hangs up and I let out a sigh before looking at Dan, "He can't make it for the holidays this time and mom is spending it with Brandon's family,"

"You've got us, Chloe. We'll spend this Christmas at your place," he says with a boyish grin making me smile, "Sounds like a plan!"

"What about Zach?"

"Well, he's staying back of course because of the restaurant and his parents are going on a trip while Emmett will have to stay back because of work," I tell him while turning to my laptop to get back to work.

"Oh shit," Dan swears while getting off the seat, looking right outside, "What's wrong?!"

I ask him as he dashes out of the office and I follow, just to see the scene unfold right in front of my eyes, "Oh my god!"

We rush out as the skidding car halts in a pile of snow and I rush to the lady lying flat on the road, "Dan, call the nine-one-one!"

"Hey, hey I've got you," I say kneeling on the road next to the lady as I realize she's still conscious, "P-please take care of my baby,"

I quickly look around in a panic to find a stroller right next to Dan's car, "Dan! There's a baby in that stroller!" I yell at him and he rushes there, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Oh my god,"

A crying woman steps out of the car, rushing towards us and I stare at the lady lying with her eyes going dilated in a puddle of blood as I take deep breaths and remove my shrug before holding it against her bleeding head, "Dan Let's get this lady into your car!"


"Hey, she's going to be okay," Dan rubs my shoulder as I stare at the sleeping baby in my arms, "H-how do you know that? Look at this baby, just look at her. She needs her mom,"

I bite down on the tears threatening to fall out of my eyes, "There is no family friend or relative that was found, Ms. Miller."

I look up to see the social service executive of the hospital, "What happens now? What if her mom doesn't make it through the surgery?" I ask the man as calmly as I could while glancing at the lady responsible for this accident sit in a corner, crying.

"There's going to be a few procedures to go through and then the baby will be put up for adoption but as of now, the baby will be left at this hospital in the social service care wing that they have," raising an eyebrow at what he just said, I look at Dan who's equally as confused.

"Chloe!" my head snaps to find a worried Zach, rushing our way, "Zach," I sigh and breathe out in relief as he sits down next to me before pulling me into a hug.

"Are you okay?" I chuckle at his question and look up at the social service executive, "Mr. Williams, could you give us a moment please?" he nods and walks away.

With that the tears I've been holding back let loose and Zach holds me close to his chest while looking at the baby, "I-I don't even know why I'm crying. This baby is so little and there is no relative,"

"It's going to be okay. Breathe, Sugar," he runs his fingers through my hair calming me down, "I don't know what to do," I trace the pink cheek of the baby trying to debate the possibilities in my mind.

The surgeon walk into the lobby area and I look up in hope, "Ms. Miller, right?"

I nod waiting for him to continue, "Ms. Bailey is in a coma and we cannot give you a confirmed statement about her condition until the next forty-eight hours,"

Zach's hand pulls me close before I lose it and I just nod, "Thanks doc," looking down at the seven-month-old, I lean down to kiss her forehead, "Do you think there's any way, we can keep her until her mom is up?"


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