°•°Chapter 10°•°

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"We are all mistaken sometimes; sometimes we do wrong things, things that have bad consequences. But it does not mean we are evil, or that we cannot be trusted ever afterward."

Alison Croggon.

Zach's POV.

I wait for Chloe to disappear into her room before rushing to the fridge to remove the letter. Quickly removing the letter from the envelope, I place the empty envelope back in place before stuffing the letter into my pocket. Couldn't let her read it now, at least not before I fix our friendship first.

Sighing, I run a hand through my hair before heading to her room, "Sugar,"

I call her with a smile making its way back to my face; she didn't have to do anything to make me smile, "In here!" I follow her voice looking around the house only wishing that I never left. Even her nightstand had a picture of us.

Part of me knew that I couldn't skip the conversation forever but after last night, I just wanted to spend some uninterrupted time with her. She was always there to stop me from doing stupid things but doing those stupid things is something I need to stop because every single time, I end up hurting her even more.

"Here are some clothes of yours," Chloe says shyly while trying to cover it up by playing with Snowy as I step inside the walk-in closet, "My clothes?" I ask her surprise but also with a stupid smirk never leaving my face.

"Well, who do you think had to clean up the mess of your apartment after you disappeared? I was the alternative contact," I sigh at her sarcastic tone before walking up to the shelf she was standing at.

"I just washed everything two weeks ago so don't worry they're all clean," knowing her, she probably throws almost every clothing into a full-on laundry every two months. So, I'm not as surprised.

"Thank you sugar," smiling at her, I grab a few clothes before sitting down on the floor next to Snowy and Chloe. That rhymed. "So where have you been staying?"

"Air BnB,"

"Seriously? For a month now?" she asks with crinkling her eyebrows together. "Yup,"

I sigh while Snowy starts licking my face snapping Chloe out her surprise before she lets out a laugh, damn that laugh that I missed, "Found a place yet?"

Shaking my head, I rest my head on her petite shoulder before closing my eyes. Her breath hitches making me smile knowing that I had that effect on her, just the same way she did on me, "You stink Zach, please get a shower,"

She says making me laugh, "Nah, I'm just too comfortable right now," with my eyes still closed, I feel snowy settle down on my lap. A sigh escapes my lips at how good this felt.

I feel Chloe nudge me to get off her, "Why?" I whine removing my head off her shoulder.

"Cause you smell bad, so go now," she bites down on her lip trying not to smile while saying it. Damn, those little things about her. I stand up before extending a hand for her to get up, "Fine,"

She finally grins before standing up and Snowy walks out of the closet, "Funny enough, I remember you being taller last night,"

I comment never letting go of her hand, "Yeah while you were drunk and I was wearing heels," she rolls her eyes before removing her hand from mine before using both her hands to turn me around.

"Enough of talking now, just go, shower," she pushes me miserably failing at making me move before punching my shoulder, "Oww!"

"Move idiot!" she says glaring at me suppressing her smile once again, "Fine! Stop hitting me!"

"Oh, stop pretending like that actually hurt," I smirk at her comment only to get smacked hard on the back of my head before she left me there. Now, that sure is a sight to see.


"Where's Blake?"

"He had to leave due to some important work call. That's the day I met you at the breakfast café after dropping him off at the airport," I could see the disappointment in her face as she grabbed the can of coke from my hand making me smile at her. She sure knows how to change the mood, "That's mine,"

"And now, it's mine," she points out making me shake my head as she got comfortable with my arm on her shoulder, "These are really good,"

She says snacking on the potato wedges I made while keeping her eyes glued to the tv, "Thanks sugar, glad I could be of service to you,"

"So, how was Illinois?" she asks me snapping me out of my happy bubble, "Not now sugar,"

She turns her head looking up to read my face and she knew this conversation wasn't going to go great, "Why?"

"Because I'm finally getting to spend time with you. So stop questioning me Chloe, as I said we'll talk it out tomorrow," she sighs before giving me one last look and looks away.

"I won't disappear again, I promise," my voice is a whisper and I hold her close as she just rests her head against my chest, "I'm still mad at you,"

"I know," I sigh resting my head against the back of the couch while holding Chloe in place. This was going to be exhausting and emotionally fucked up than it already is. I hate how helpless I feel around her sometimes, especially when I can't do anything to reduce the pain I caused her.

"Where's my car?"

"Outside the house, Dan drove it home while I drove you in mine last night," she answers making me chuckle, before getting off me, "What's wrong?"

I ask her missing her warmth already, "Just need some water," she says leaning forward to grab the bottle resting on the coffee table. Damn, if I keep getting used to this, it'd be fucking hell to not have her in my arms if things don't work out between us.

"Zach," she snaps me out of my thoughts while getting back into the comfort of my arms, "Yeah, sugar?"

"I've got an extra bedroom so, why don't you move in here until you find your own place?"


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