°•°Chapter 54°•°

65 5 11

"Shoot for the moon, even if you fail, you'll land among the stars."

Cecelia Ahern.

Chloe's POV.

"Molly, no baby girl. Don't do that," I say holding her tiny hands out of her hair. It's so well combed down with little floral clips and now she just wants them off. Giving me a giggle, she crawls closer and touches my face making me smile, "You are my sweet little sunshine,"

I whisper taking her into my arms making her squeal before grabbing the penguin soft toy and hugging it. The fact that I was alone here without Zach, was weird enough and Molly sure did look around for him for a couple of minutes before shifting her attention.

My phone goes off and I immediately knew who it was, "Hey there," I say with a smile as soon as I swipe across the video call screen. Zach's tired face flashes across making me sigh, "Hey, you both!"

His excited voice gets Molly's attention and she squeals clapping her hands before reaching out to the phone, "No touching the phone, Molly," I say shaking my head before she turns to cuddle into my chest, "She was searching for you the first half an hour,"

I say holding Molly while she sneaks in looks at the screen, giggling, "Someone's playing hide and seek over a video call," Zach says with a grin while getting Molly's attention once again. She imitates Zach who's giving her a flying kiss with her tiny hands enough to steal anyone's heart.

Well, I think it's great that he'll be back by tomorrow night cause he's not looking good with the dark circles forming under his eyes. It's either too much of work or not sleeping cause he's constantly on a call with me once he's done with work and I do tend to fall asleep mid-way but I'm darn sure he hasn't slept much these two nights that he's been there.

"I need to go Sugar, some other stupid meeting again," he rolls his eyes making me smile at his childishness, "Take care and stop being whiny about it! You got this,"

"Love you both," he says with a smile while Molly jumps on my lap, "Love you too," with that he hangs up making Molly's face scrunch up.

"Oh no, baby girl. Please don't start crying," I plead holding her to face me while her eyes tear up. Zach usually handed her back to the care-taker but today I'll have to do it and as long as I don't start crying as she would, I think I'll survive it.


"Blake, you should ask Hailey to stop walking around butt naked," I giggle as his eyes widen before he smacked his head. Snowy puts his paws on my thigh before reaching out to the box of pizza with his nose before I take it off the counter, "That's my pizza, Snowy,"

With an adorable baby face, he tilts his head sideways trying to persuade me and I shake my head before giving him a pepperoni, "He loves getting a bite of your food always,"

Blake's laugh interrupts us before Snowy walks away content with getting at least a piece of pepperoni before getting back to his food, "He's a foodie from a family of foodies," I shrug, wiping my hands with a wet wipe before grabbing a bite of my pizza. Well, Zach and I are foodies so explains Snowy's love towards food because he always manages to steal a bite of everything.

"So how's the adoption coming along?" I sigh at his question, "I don't know, it's taking long because they found some loopholes in the background check but Mr. Williams keeps assuring us that we'll get Molly immaterial of how long it takes. The problem isn't whether we get Molly or not though, the problem is that she finds a home soon enough,"

Closing my eyes, I take a breath from my rant before looking at Blake's concerned face, "Are you going to be okay?" his question makes me raise my eyebrows in confusion, "If you guys don't get to adopt Molly, are you going to be fine?"

"I'll pull through but I'm more worried about Zach, and you'll know why when you see those two together," I sigh biting down my tears, "I'm here if you need anything, okay?" I nod my head with the best smile I could muster up.

"I know and thank you for always being there," he smiles at me before looking away, probably talking to Hailey, "Running late for a date. I'll message you,"

"Okay, have fun you both,"

"We sure will, bye!"

"Bye," I whisper as he drops the call. Closing the box of pizza, I grab my phone and walk into the living room with my head deep in thought. Sitting down on the couch, I close my eyes, resting my head against the backrest.

I'm not sure how this whole adoption thing is going to go but it's starting to turn into an emotionally exhausting wait. Everything seems like it's right in front of us but still too far out of reach and in this process, there are a million things we're finding out about ourselves. Even the idea of getting married to Zach started pleasing me ever since Molly entered our lives. Who the hell would've thought that Chloe Miller would want to settle down?


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