°•°Chapter 23°•°

79 8 7

"Life is short.

Don't count the seconds.

Enjoy the moments."

David Cuschieri.

Chloe's POV.

Putting on Zach's t-shirt, I hear the door close before he walked back into our room, "Dinner is here," he says flashing a grin and places the tray of food on the TV cabinet.

"Smells amazing, whatever it is," I say before standing tiptoes to kiss him. His arms instantly wrap around my waist, "Damn, I love the lemon scent of the shower gel," I raise my eyebrows and bite down a laugh as he kisses my neck. If I'm not wrong, smelling it.

"What?" he asks me looking at my face and I burst out laughing, "Y-you did it like Snowy!" his surprised face makes me laugh harder until I found my eyes tearing up and steady myself in his arms. His grin is wide, causing me to pull him in to kiss as my palm rested on his naked chest.

"Hmm... stop pushing me to take you right now. I'm hungry and well, you were the one who woke up hungry," he says pulling back and kisses my forehead with a smile. Well, we slept through the day and that's rather expected after the whole travel but now I'm starving.

I get onto the bed while Zach, grabs the tray of food and settles down next to me, "So what fancy stuff did you order?" I ask him and he chuckles with a smile before taking off the lids.

"Well, biscuits and gravy, crab cakes and key lime pie," he says taking off the lids causing a smile to spread on my face, "Sounds delish," I clasp my hands before leaning forward to play something on the laptop.

"What do you want to watch?"

"I don't know, just select something," he says before making me shriek by smacking my butt, "What the hell?"

I play 'the killers' and glare at his smirking face before sitting back in place, "I'm sorry. Did that hurt?" I roll my eyes at his not so innocent face before taking the plate from his hands.


"Yeah, Zach?" I ask him before turning my head to look at him; his smiling face leans closer before planting a kiss on my lips. My lips curl into a smile against his, "This just feels perfect," he whispers against my lips before pulling back and kissing my temple.

"Our version of perfect," I say with a grin before we turned back to the food as my stomach growled. Literally, it did.


"Chloe, where's my-" a grin decorates my face as I notice Zach stop dead in his tracks while I try zipping up my dress, "Wow,"

Is all he says before walking in, in his white shirt tucked into his black trousers, need I say, he looks hot, "Let me get that for you," his breath fanned my neck making me bite my lower lip as he pressed my back against his chest, "Like the dress?"

I ask him as he zipped up my grey floor-length satin dress, "Oh, I love you in it," his lips meet my bare neck making me smile, "I wish, we could just stay back,"

He mumbles against my skin, "It's your mom's birthday, so that's not really a choice," I point out, reaching for his face over my shoulder and caress his now clean shaved cheek, "I know,"

With a smile, he pulls back and turns me around to take in my whole look, "I've got one word- hot," a blush creeps up my cheeks as he pulls me closer by grabbing my waist. I stand tiptoes, kissing him while his fingers rubbed circles on my back.

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