°•°Chapter 2°•°

210 14 13

"The only real battle in life is between hanging on and letting go."

Shannon L. Alder.

Chloe's POV.

"Blake!" I squeal as the shock leaves my face and is replaced by happiness. He pulls me out of my seat into a tight hug making me smile. Dan stands up smiling as well as Blake releases me from the hug.

"Hey Daniel," they greet each other before my brother nudges me to sit down before scooting close next to me. It's been so long since we saw each other last, "How's my little sis doing?"

"Oh! Suddenly you care now?" I smack his arm off my shoulder before crossing my arms and notice Dan exchanging funny looks with Blake, "I'm sorry! I know it has been a week since I last called, but you out of everyone knows how hard it is being a lawyer sometimes,"

"I know but that's still no reason enough," I sigh as he rests his arm over my shoulders once again but this time, I just sink into his embrace. Oh, how much I missed my brother.

"I know but listen, I took a break from work for the next month. Do you think you can let me crash at your place?" he asks me with a huge grin now plastered across his face.

My face lights up at what he said, "It's home, idiot! You're asking me as if you're some stranger,"

"I just wanted to annoy you," he says kissing my forehead with a smile while Dan waves his hands in front of me, "I'm still here!"

A laugh erupts from my lips at his childish behavior, "I'm sorry!" I say as he starts being dramatic and stands up.

"Fine! But I'm having your muffin too," he says sitting back adjusting his geeky glasses and I ruffle his brown curls smiling, "Order a few more actually, I'm starving!"

Blake deadpans making me shake my head at these two guys, "Wait, how did you know that I was here?"

"Hmm... I messaged Daniel," he says, scratching the back of his neck making me roll my eyes at both of them. "Smile!"

Dan takes us by surprise as he points a camera to both of us and Blake pulls me closer for the picture. With bright smiles on our faces, we take a few more pictures will Dan in them.

Pictures are the most important things I have in life because life isn't always this great and it's only right to capture those few moments into photographs.


"So any news from Zach?" the plate I'm scrubbing almost slips out of my hands and I quickly snap my head to notice Blake removing the envelope off the fridge. "Blake! Don't open that!"

"Okay," he says after observing my reaction for a few seconds. He knew Zach never contacted me back since he left two years ago and I also know that Blake despises Zach for his sudden disappearance.

"Why don't you just open it? I've seen it attached to your fridge since forever, he doesn't deserve you hanging onto the hope that he'll come back someday. He clearly moved on, so should you," I close my eyes taking deep breaths in an attempt to find a rational answer to why I never opened that envelope.

"I moved on, it's just a stupid envelope Blake," shaking my head, I wash the last dish and wipe my hands dry with a kitchen towel. I turn around just to notice my brother raising his eyebrow at me, he knew me too well already.

I walk up to the island counter and grab a French fry out of the Mc. Donald's container that Blake was eating from, "Stupid huh? Are you sure about that Chloe?"

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