°•°Chapter 24°•°

93 8 15

"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."
Robert A.

Chloe's POV.

"Chloe Miller! Is that you?!" A grin makes its way onto my face as I see Zach's mom in her blue dress head towards me, "Happy birthday!" I say cheerfully as she pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you, sweetheart," I pull back to see Zach standing behind her with a boyish grin, "Happy birthday, mom!" he hugs her from behind making her laugh at her son's childish nature. He only shows that one thing some times and around very few people. Need is say, I've been lucky enough to see that side of him almost every day.

"Look who's finally got the time to meet his mum," she slaps his arm but with a smile never dropping from her face, "Sorry about that,"

He sighs kissing his mom's forehead making my heart melt at the sight, "And you!"

"Oww!" I squeal as his mom slaps my arm taking me by surprise and making Zach laugh, "Why the hell didn't I see you for so long?! I know this idiot screwed up but, I missed you too!"

"I'm sorry," I say before Zach pulled me into the hug too, "I messed up, it's not her fault mom," he says making me smile while Nancy, Zach's mom wraps her arms around me. Talk about a group hug.

"I missed the chaos you guys make together," she says sighing as we pulled back and Zach walks around behind me before wrapping his arms around my waist, "Mom,"

"We're together,"

"You guys have always been together, what are you-" she stops in realization making us both grin, "Finally!" she clasps her hands together with a happy giggle.

"Yup," Zach kisses my cheek making me blush, sure we've always been this touchy and that's probably why Nancy didn't notice anything different, "This is the best birthday gift!"

She squeals making me shake my head with a smile, "Zachary," All of us stiffen at the voice and Zach's hold around me only tightens, "Hey dad,"

Ben, Zach's dad walks down those fancy stairs covered in a carpet in all his arrogant glory, "Chloe?"

"Hello, Mr. Russell," I try giving him my best smile as he kisses his wife. Well, he loved her a lot and that was the only thing I admired him for. Zach kisses my neck before they notice and I try pushing him away in surprise but well the guy is strong so of course, I failed at it.

"Honey, do you know-" Nancy is cut off with someone walking in and I turn my head to see a model like woman, probably around my age, "This is Daphne Summers,"

Zach's dad introduces her as she walked towards us. Need I mention, she looks like a mean person, "Hello,"

"I don't like her. Mean alert!" Zach whispers in my ear and I bite down on a smile, "We'll leave you guys to talk. Chloe?" Zach's dad calls me and I raise an eyebrow before turning to face Daphne in confusion while Zach holds onto me like I'm his favorite teddy bear or something.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Zachary Russell's to be fiancé," my jaw drops and I turn around to face Zach with a raised eyebrow, just to meet his confused gaze, "Zach, I-I can't,"

Holding onto his suit, I burst into laughter, "Oh my god, Sugar," he looks at my face before laughing along. Holy shit, this is hilarious! I clutch onto my stomach trying to control my laugh while Zach wipes his tears of laughter away, "Both of you, behave!"

Ben's voice gets us laughing, even more, Zach pulls me against his chest to muffle my laughter while he tries biting down his own, "This is ridiculous!" Daphne follows and I hear her heels against the floor fade away.

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