°•°Chapter 33°•°

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"To love or have loved, that is enough. Ask nothing further. There is no other pearl to be found in the dark folds of life."

-Victor Hugo.

Chloe's POV.

"Zach," a gasp escapes my lips, looking at the diamond ring he's holding out, "It's a promise ring, Sugar. Relax," sighing, I finally let my smile take over while he slips the ring onto my right hand, ring finger before I pull him into a kiss.

His fingers carefully tuck my long bangs behind my ear as he kissed back, "It's my promise to never leave you and to try to never to do anything that'd disappoint you or hurt you. A promise to take care of you and be your best friend for life while being much more than that," I bite down my lower lip as tears rolled down my cheek as his blue orbs continued to hold my gaze.

"Love you," I choke out while his fingers wipe away my tears. My heart feels heavy the joy I'm feeling right now. Could I love him any more than I already do? Every time I think I can't, I just end up feeling my love for him grow day by day, with every second passing by.

Kissing his cheek with a smile, I hold the duvet against my naked body before grabbing his gift, "I'm not sure if this can top the gift you gave me but I tried,"

"You know I'd love just about anything and you're already my present," he smiles against my skin while kissing my bareback sending shivers down my spine. I grab the huge photo-frame I've been hiding under the bed and the small package with the handmade gift wrap.

"Open it," I say with an excited grin as I placed the huge photo-frame across our laps. He carefully opens it without tearing the wrap and a huge boyish grin decorates his face, "The best gift I can imagine,"

He says looking at the black and white filtered photo of him, Snowy and me, the very same picture he took of us on the day I finally read the letter, "Hold on, there's still another present,"

I hand him the package and he kisses my cheek before opening it while I place the photo-frame safely standing next to the nightstand, "Sugar,"

He trails off, looking through the big fat album of our captured memories right from high school, "This is amazing," if I'm not wrong, his eyes were brimming with tears while he laughed at a photo of him and Emmett, "I think we've got too many precious memories to not save them this way,"

He shakes his head with a smile before pulling me closer next to him, "Stop making me cry, damn it," he says making me laugh before kissing him. His lips curl into a smile against mine before slipping his tongue into my mouth causing a moan to escape.

The sound of the digital clock striking midnight breaks out moment, "I guess we did manage to exchange gifts before Christmas ended," Zach says with a grin before closing the album and placing it aside, "Hold on for a second, check the last photo,"

"Okay," he says before opening the album again and smiling, "Molly and Snowy," I say stopping at the second last photo and then slowly changing it to the last page, "Molly and You where you were being the best version of yourself,"

I whisper making his breath hitch as my eyes stung, "I never thought I'd want to settle down and now, I just want this with you, more than anything,"

"I started wondering if we were moving too fast when Molly came by but I've known you and loved you for so long that nothing feels wrong or out of place," my confession makes him take my face in his hands, "Cheesy but accurate,"

He says with a smile before pulling me into a hug, "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you this," he dramatically says making me giggle, "Our restaurant got featured in two magazines!"

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