°•°Chapter 36°•°

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"When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too."

-Paulo Coelho, "The Alchemist".

Chloe's POV.

Kissing Molly's head, I hand her to Zach, "Time to go, baby girl," he whispers to a giggling Molly who's playing with his jacket. My heart clenches at the sight of him looking hurt while my bottom lip is enduring the torture of me biting down my tears, "She's going to be alright,"

Zach assures me stepping back he handed Molly over to the couple but her face is already scrunching up, "She's a toughie," I whisper trying to lighten up the mood but Zach knew me better than that. He rests his arms around my waist as we observed how Molly was adjusting to her new parents but her arms are extended towards us.

"I'm sorry, I need to go," I mumble while tears start to cloud my eyes and turn around before walking away, "Chloe," ignoring Zach's pleading voice, I storm out. This is going way harder already and me crying would only make it worse.

Walking out, I get to my car and let out the breath I was holding along with my tears while resting my head against the car. The cold wind of the evening blends with my tears making my face feel icy, "Sugar," my head snaps as I hear Zach's voice and his expression is pained before pulling me into his embrace.

"Shh," he rubs circles on my back while I hold onto him with my tears never find an ending. Why was this feeling like one of the worst things, I ever had to endure? And what's even worse is that it's just not me feeling this way, Zach is going through the same.

Pulling back just enough, I look at him before wiping my tears which were blurring my vision while his gaze is fixed on me, "She deserves the best," I say trying to convince him that this was for the best but I wish my heart could believe that she'd stay safe.

"She does," he just nods with a sigh but I'm sure neither of us is okay with this. He lifts his hand, wiping off the new hot tear that slips down my cheek, "Let's just do something distracting. Maybe a movie or something with the guys?"

He suggests trying to give me the best smile he could, sugar-coating the sadness, "Sure," I say before pulling his face down to mine for a kiss. He's quick to respond, deepening the kiss while caressing my cheek.

"I need to stop at the restaurant first to check everything one last time," he whispers with a sigh, kissing my forehead, "Hey cheer up, your restaurant finally opens again tomorrow,"

I say with the best grin I could muster up making him smile, "You're right, that's something to be happy about,"

"Yup now let's go," I say patting his chest with a smile before we pull away from each other and he holds out the car's door for me. Shutting my door close he jogs around the car and get's into the driver's seat while I put on my seat belt, "Just message the guys and ask them to order in?"

He asks addressing Blake, Hailey, Emmett, Dan, and Eli who are currently waiting for us to return and cheer us up for sure, "Yup," I say, grabbing my phone while Zach starts driving. Typing away a quick message, I put my phone away once Blake replied almost immediately and sigh, sitting back in the leather seat.

My eyes follow the series of buildings that we've passed by quite a lot of times lately making me blink away my tears quickly, Zach had enough on his plate and I didn't need to add up. Was this a great start for a new year? I'm not sure about me but for Molly, yes. She gets to have a family who hopefully cherishes the amazing memories Molly is going to give them. And Zach, I hope this opening of his restaurant again would give him all the success he worked for.

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