°•°Chapter 22°•°

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"Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold."

- Zelda Fitzgerald.

Chloe's POV.

Closing my eyes to the low music playing in the background, I rest my head on Zach's shoulder while his hand rubs circles on my arm, "Sleepy?"

"Tired but not sleepy," my voice is low but still audible for him as the taxi drove through the empty streets, "It's five in the morning, Sugar. How are you not sleepy?"

"Well, I slept through the whole trip and had my favorite pillow to lean on," I say with a smile, "Now, I'm a pillow huh?"

"Yup," I say pulling back just enough to look at his face. His grin is evident through the dim six am daylight but his dark circles are evident, "You look tired,"

"I am but my mind is also occupied with the quickie we had," a giggle escapes my lips as I roll my eyes at him before pulling him into a kiss. His hand lifts to hold my face in place before biting my lip and sliding his tongue inside my mouth. I hold back a moan while our tongues danced together in sync sending shivers right to my heat.

"Shit!" I whisper shout as the car halts making me blush, realizing how close we were to making out, "We're here," sighing, I look at Zach who's rolling his eyes at the timing.

"Let's go and get some privacy. I can't deal with people interrupting," he complains before pecking my cheek and we get out of the taxi. I give him a confused look as soon as I realized, that we are at a hotel instead of his parent's estate which was the original plan, "What are we doing here?"

Zach glances at me before grabbing our bags and I take over the backpack, "Well, as I said, I can't deal with people interrupting our moments and you know how fucked up it can be with my parents around or dad especially,"

"But the party?"

"We'll be going directly from here and come back here after the party as well," I raise an eyebrow, wondering how frustrated his parents got him this time around. They always screwed up things for him and I've been there for quite a long time around him to witness it.

While waiting at the reception while Zach talks to the executive, I drink in his outfit. Navy blue polo t-shirt with black jeans and that's when I realize, I'm wearing a t-shirt dress of navy blue too. Wow, now we match too. Cliché?

"Let's go," he says finally facing me with a tired grin and I follow him while he entwines his fingers with mine, "You need sleep, Zach,"

He just silently nods as we walk into the open elevator before he punches on number four, "I just need you in my arms with nothing to interrupt," his hand lifts mine to his lips before pressing it to his lips.

"Never did I imagine you to be this sappy boyfriend," I can't help the grin decorating my face at how lucky I got, "You make me want to be one and honestly, I don't even need to try,"

He winks at me as the elevator dings on the fourth floor and we get off. His hand never leaves mine while his shoulders flex perfectly as he carries the two bags effortlessly. Talk about the damn, perfectly sculpted body.

"Like what you see, Sugar?" I roll my eyes at his smirking face as he swiped the key card, opening the door of a jaw-dropping suite, "Seriously, Zach? Did we really need this huge of a space?"

I could feel him grinning next to me as I walked in and he locked the door before dropping the bags with a thud, "Oh, you know, I just thought both of us could get adventurous,"

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