°•°Chapter 21°•°

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"Your life requires your mindful presence in order to live it. Be here now."

Akiroq Brost.

Chloe's POV.

"This is amazing, Sugar," my grin is uncontrollable as Zach looks around the exhibit which is now empty, "On a scale of one to ten, how good is it?"

"Eleven!" he beams pulling me into his arms, "So, ready to get back home and then head to the airport?" he asks me before kissing my forehead. The exhibit went perfectly, well beyond perfect. The turn out was about a hundred people and we expected half of it.

"Yup," I sigh resting my head on his chest, "Chloe, you're not going to believe this," Dan's voice gets my attention and I pull back only enough to look at him.

"What is it?"

"The highest secret bid for 'the beauty' is four. Thousand. Dollars." My jaw drops at what Dan said. 'The beauty' is the final photograph of the series capturing scenes from the everyday lives of people, just normal people with no extraordinary condiments in life, "You can't be serious!"

"Look for yourself," Dan walks over handing me the iPad with the bidding list, "You under-estimated yourself, Sugar,"

"This is huge!" I finally squeal in excitement after stealing a glance at the huge photo of a little girl with down syndrome playing with a butterfly, "Girl, this is the start of some amazing stuff for us!" Dan adds on before pulling me in a hug right out of Zach's arms.

"Hey!" Zach whines making me giggle, "You go, have a good weekend with your hot best friend slash boyfriend. I'll clean up and Eli is joining in to help too," Dan says patting my back with a huge grin as I pull back from the hug.

"Thanks, Dan, you're the best," kissing his cheek, I step back with Zach instantly wraps his arm around my waist. Thank god, my monthly ended yesterday cause, of course, I'd want to jump my guy this weekend when we finally get a break. Okay, that sounded way too horny and wrong but again who cares?

"See you on Tuesday again,"

"And we will have breakfast together to celebrate before getting back to work," he says making me grin, "Of course!"

"I'll cook," Zach pipes in, "No? We're are celebrating together so what fun is it if one of us is working?" Dan dramatically denies his offer making me stifle a giggle but nod in agreement.

"Alright," he sighs resting his head over mine, "Go now,"

I raise an eyebrow at Dan who nudges me, "You want to get rid of me?!" I fake hurt biting down a smile.

"Oh, you know that that's not the case darling. You need to get going before you both reckless idiots miss the flight. This is your much-needed vacation," he says causing a smile decorate my face.

"Fine, you treat yourself with some amazing time this weekend too!" I say waving at him as we step out, "Bye Dan," Zach adds with a smile.

"Bye you both," he waves us off before we walked ut onto the pavement and head towards the car, "Take those killer shoes off, sugar. You look like you're in pain," Zach says as I walk around to get into the passenger seat.

"I am, in pain," I add sighing as I get into the car and quickly remove the pumps. These fucking death traps, "Ugh," a groan gets past my lips as I taking in the surging pain.

Zach places my laptop bag in the rear seat before sighing, "You really need to stick to sneakers,"

"That wouldn't really go well on dresses you know?"

"I would never understand style over comfort when it comes to you," he sighs whispering before pulling me into a kiss. Of course, he doesn't get it, I've always been the sneakers kind and now he's seeing me in these death traps, "I love you,"

He murmurs against my lips making me smile before I peck his lips one last time, "Love you too," with a smile, he gets back to start the car and we drive back home. Damn, it's already 7 pm and we've got a flight at midnight. Talk about a packed schedule.

"We'll have tomorrow to ourselves before the party day after," he says with his eyes glued onto the road with a rather serious expression, "Is everything alright?"

"Yup, just exhausted and I need some time with you, this week has been hectic for both of us," I sigh with a nod, with the exhibit keeping me busy and Zach having to sort out things for the restaurant while we're away, we barely got time together except when we slept, "It's going to be a nice weekend,"

I reassure him with a smile which he quickly returns as we entered the new remote operated gates of my house. Zach got it done, talk about the perfect little things, "Damn this makes everything so much more easier,"

"It sure does," he adds before grabbing the remote again and closing it, "Let's go Sugar. A quick shower and we'll hit the road again,"

"Fine," I grab my heels and before dragging myself out of the car. I follow Zach into the house and immediately miss Snowy. We had to drop him off at Eli's since of course both Dan and he offered, "I miss him,"

"I do too," Zach says locking the door before lifting me off the floor causing a squeal to escape my lips, "Zach!" I slap his chest once I dropped the heels off on the floor making him grin.

"What? You said your feet were hurting," he points out before placing a kiss on my exposed collar bone making me moan, "Is that the only reason?"

"Nah, I want to shower with you," I bite down a grin before raising an eyebrow, "You said a quick shower,"

"Yeah, a quick shower with a quickie," he says placing me down on the floor again once we reached the bedroom and hits the light switches to turn them on. He forces me to turn around with a smirk before unzipping my violet dress.

Rolling my eyes at how slow and torturous he's making this, I turn around to face him with a grin before removing his well tucked shirt and unbuttoning it quickly, "You said quick,"

"Hmm," is all he says while taking off our clothes quickly and pulling me into a kiss while unhooking my bra. My breath hitches as our naked bodies touch and he pulls me up to wrap my legs around his waist before walking us to the shower, "Quick, huh?"

I bite my lower lips as his mouth wraps around my nipple as he turned on the shower, "Zach..." I breathe out as he held me up against the cold glass of the shower cubicle.

"Want me to stop, Sugar?"

"Stop being a tease," I smack his arm as his whispers against my skin sending shivers all over my body, "Be nice then,"

"Fuck you," sticking my tongue out at him; an involuntary moan erupts as his member enters my heat suddenly, "Correction, make love,"

My fingers dig into his arms as he continues to make love to me, "Damn it, Sugar," he breathes against my neck with his groans pushing me closer to the edge.

Oh, this sure is a quickie.


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