°•°Chapter 47°•°

65 5 10

"Keep your best wishes, close to your heart and watch what happens."

Tony DeLiso.

Chloe's POV.

"This is perfect!" I squeal clapping my hands as Dan drops the paintbrush into the now empty paint can, "Purple was the go-to color and you have great taste," Eli points out before I pull him into a thankful hug. Today, well it was productive and much better than expected even after the conference call I had to have with Blake, Zach's lawyer, and of course, Zach.

"Thank you, you both. For everything." I sigh with a smile as Dan joins the hug. They've been there for me every single time I needed them and even though Eli is a rather silent person, he's amazing. Dan, I don't even have enough words to express my appreciation for this guy.

Snowy snuggles close to my leg making me giggle as he wanted in on the group hug, "He's craving attention," Eli rolls his eyes with his dimples showing up at the huge adorable smile he's flashing. You wouldn't think he's from the army though, he looks more like a model right out of vogue or something.

"I think Molly is going to love this room," Dan adds as I sit down on the floor, giving Snowy the hug he wanted in on, "Oh I sure hope she does," I say grinning while both Dan and Eli lay down on the floor with loud sighs. Painting a room is quick with three people but still quite a workout, especially after mind-blowing sex.

"I ordered pizza," Dan says clicking away on his phone, "Oh thank god, I'm starving!" I whine dramatically making them both laugh, "Yeah, after all that sex you both had in the morning, I think it's darn okay for you to be famished,"

My eyes widen at Eli's comment before I smack his arm, "Ouch! You do realize that you hit people really hard, don't you?" I roll my eyes with a giggle, "You deserved that though,"

"For stating that you guys had sex with you moaning loud enough for the whole street to hear?"

"Eli!" with that my face is sure as red as a fucking cherry, "Alright, alright," he lifts his hands in defense with a grin, "He's right though," Dan adds making me roll my eyes before kicking his leg with mine, do I say – hard enough.

"Girl I love how hard you can hit a person but stop hitting us! You're giving us bruises!" he whines making me laugh while Snowy lays down on his back in my lap.

"You're such an attention seeker," I giggle ruffling his fur, "He sure is but can you blame him though? You and Zach seem to be having sex all the time, leaving this guy all alone,"

"Oh come on you guys, stop making my sex life a hot topic," I whine glaring at Eli who seems to have no filter today and he ends up laughing, "Oh it is a hot topic, alright. You guys are always radiating sexual tension," Dan adds making me shake my head before smacking my right palm against my forehead.

"As if you guys aren't always looking for excuses, to get back home to do pretty much the same," and there I go, joining the explicit conversation. The tips of Dan's ears go pink making me grin, "Awe, Dan,"

"Stop teasing the poor guy, Chloe," Eli says clearly not meaning it while studying Dan's face, oh they are perfection. I never gave Eli enough credit for always being there and never thinking a second if I ever asked for help, "We decided on getting married," Eli's confession brightens my face up.

"Oh, you guys! That makes me so happy!" I gush as they both sit up, "Maybe in about six months but definitely this year," Dan adds, scratching the back of his head shy. With a huge grin, I lean forward and hug both of them, I'm a hugger if that wasn't obvious but that is only exclusive to people I love.


"Shush, smile!" I whisper shout at Zach who's helping Molly to finger paint with her tiny hands. With a huge grin, I snap a picture on my camera and then Molly look up at Zach before placing her little paint-filled palm on his cheek making me laugh as I snap another picture, "Oh no,"

Zach sighs before letting out a laugh and grabs the wet napkin to clean her little hands while she giggles. Clapping her hands together, she ends up messing both her hands making Zach look at her in horror. Oh, yet another moment to capture, a rather beautiful one.

"A little help please, Sugar?" he looks at me, his expression screaming 'HELP' as he held Molly's hands before she spread the paint anywhere else. With a giggle, I put my camera aside and walk closer to the both of them before grabbing the wet napkin to clean Molly's little hands as she giggled before moving onto wiping off the paint on Zach's face, "Oh, you love worrying him. Don't you?"

I ask her gaining a giggle with her gibberish baby talk, "Somehow, both you and this little monster love worrying me all the time,"

Zach adds shaking his head with a smile, "Me?" I fake hurt before disposing, the wet napkins as soon as Molly's all clean, "Yup," he says kissing my cheek quickly while I closed the containers of paint.

With a smile dancing on my face, I walk over to the cabinet and return the art supply into its respective place, "Isn't mama beautiful, Molly?" I freeze in place at the word mama. Taking a deep breath, convincing my mind that I'll have to get used to it, I turn around to face both of them. Zach has a heartwarming smile while Molly enthusiastically extends her little arms towards me.

I sit down, cross-legged next to Zach before taking Molly into my arms, "Definitely going to take some time to get used to that," I say while Zach wraps his arm around my shoulders while Molly squeals, looking at the storybook he's holding for her.

"I just hope, I don't screw up being a mother to her," I whisper looking at him, "You won't, Sugar. We're only going to learn things at the same pace as Molly gets used to seeing us around, we'll do fine and you will be amazing Sugar," he kisses my forehead, making insecurity disappear.


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