°•°Chapter 20°•°

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"The heart has its reasons which reason knows not."
Blaise Pascal.

Zach's POV.

"Finally!" I breathe out as I wrapped an arm around Chloe without Snowy interrupting, "See, I told you, ice-cream would do it,"

She says making me sigh, Snowy had a mind of his own and clearly is damn possessive when it comes to Chloe. He had mood swings like a woman during her period, I mean no offense but he was fine until yesterday and the second he noticed us kissing, that was it.

"Either he's in love with you which is crazy because he's a dog or he just wanted treats so he decided on acting like a brat," I say pulling her onto my lap as she rested her head on my naked chest, "Stop calling him a brat. You disappeared for long enough so he gets to be mad at you just like I did,"

"Yeah sure, he was fine the first month and then boom, he suddenly starts interrupting every kiss until he got an ice-cream," letting out a laugh at my complaint, I kiss Chloe's forehead.

"Well the first one month, we didn't really kiss and he was resting on me every single time we were in each other's arms. So, he was just not sure about you and is probably jealous of the amount of attention I'm giving you," she rants finally smiling before grabbing the TV remote and swiping through the channels while I continued to play with her hair.

I can't believe that this amazing best friend of mine is now completely mine, "Zach?"

"Yeah, sugar?" I ask her as she looked up at me and pulled me into a kiss making me smile. Her petite soft hands cup my face, caressing my cheeks as she slides her tongue making me groan as she moves on top of me until her legs were almost around my waist, "Now that Snowy is asleep and won't interrupt us, take me to bed,"

Grinning, I stand up, holding her in place with her legs wrapped around my waist, "This is already the best weekend," I say before kissing her neck while she lets out a giggle, nodding.

Just too perfect and feels too good to be true, like a dream come true.


"Zach! Come here," Chloe pulls me by my arm and I look at Blake on her phone screen, of course, video calling, "I've got no t-shirt on," I whisper reminding Chloe before waving to Blake who's busy glaring at me.

"Well, stand behind me, it's okay and you look hot so I don't see what the problem is," she whispers back making me bite down a smile at her bluntness. Perks of having your best friend as your partner is, there's no filter.

"You better not fuck things up this time around, Russell," Blake says breaking our moment and I just nod, "I won't, I promise."

Chloe's hand finds mine and she pulls it up to rest around her waist with a smile, "So how's Hailey?" she asks her brother, distracting him from me.

"She's doing great and finally back so we've been spending some nice time together," he says with a grin, sure having the person you love makes up for all the fucked up things in life.

Chloe suddenly chokes on her words and slaps a hand, closing my eyes, "Uh, brother? I think I've just seen Hailey walk across, butt naked." I let out a laugh unable to contain it at how awkward she was, "Sorry! We'll talk later!"

Blake hangs up and Chloe sighs before removing her hand off my face. She looks at me laughing and joins in shaking her head, "And you were worried about not having a t-shirt on!"

Smiling, I stand between her legs and kiss her, she wraps her arms around my neck pulling me closer, "I love you,"

"Love you too, sugar," I kiss her forehead, sweeping away the bangs falling over her eyes, "You've got work to get to, so let's have breakfast already," she reminds me making me groan. It's Sunday and I made sure to clear out my schedule but oh well, work calls.

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