°•°Chapter 30°•°

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"We say we are assured of our future but the truth is that we all desperately want our wishes to come true."

- Anonymous.

Zach's POV.

Kissing Chloe's temple, I hold her close while studying her exhausted features, "It's Christmas eve tomorrow, what do you want to do?"

She asks me while tracing her fingers on my arms, "Go to the hospital and spend time Molly. We can probably buy the little girl some gifts,"

I close my eyes as guilt washed over me. Ms. Bailey did not make it and we did hold a tiny funeral just so that Molly would have a place to go to when she wanted to visit her mum. It's been over a week and we got pushed down the adoption list because of my addiction on record even though Ms. Bailey set us as her guardians almost instantly as we told yes. Everything went by so quickly and it's unbelievable that all this happened in about ten days, "Zach,"

Chloe looks up at me with her concerned brown orbs holding my gaze, "The important thing is that Molly gets a good family to settle in to. So, it doesn't matter whether we get to have her or not, we just need to keep up our promise to make sure she finds a good home,"

"You're right," I sigh and she kisses my cheek, "Let's go shopping and buy some stuff for her," she finally says with a smile before kissing my lips which I immediately respond to.

Feeling something soft against my naked arm, I immediately knew it was Snowy and Chloe smiles against my lips, "He had to interrupt," I roll my eyes with a chuckle while Snowy moves a little on the bed before settling down next to Chloe.

She giggles into my chest making me smile too at Snowy's forever success at interrupting out moments, "Could we please have some ice-cream," Chloe gives me a childish grin. I look over to the clock and realize it's 2 am already.

"Which flavor?" I ask her with a grin and she removes the duvet off us immediately, "You bought flavors?!"

"Yup!" I say trying to match her excitement and follow her out of the bedroom, into the kitchen. This is the happiest I've seen her in over a week and I really hope she's not putting on a show just to make me feel less guilty about this.

I grab two bowls and spoons before placing them on the counter as she checked the flavors. Snowy follows her around making her smile at him, "Sea-salted caramel all the way," chuckling, I grab the pint from her hands and scoop out ice-cream.

"The best," I add with a grin and close the pint before placing it back in the freezer, "Do you have work tomorrow?"

"I decided on closing the restaurant till the new year," I finally reveal the news to her with a sigh, "What? Why?!"

"Because I need to reassess a few things and a few days off is something I need right now,"

"But, Zach-" I cut her off by pulling her into a kiss and kisses me before pulling back, "What's wrong? The holidays are the most important time and you guys will be having gushing customers,"

"Sugar, calm down. I know, I thought about all of that and yes, we'll be ruining the excessive customers but there's nothing good to come out of it if I can't give my hundred percent to the restaurant," I shake my head looking at her confused gaze before asking her to sit on the stool.

"I'm making a few changes to my work schedule and I need to make time for the kitchen, I'm missing my time in there," I wish she bought it but she doesn't look like she did, "Zach, is it because of what happened with Molly?"

There you go, of course, she sees it, "Maybe, it's part of the reason but I needed time off to sort out my priorities, Chloe. My career is on a high right now and if I take one wrong call, it ends so I'd rather take the holidays off than risk it all,"

I rant away before realizing the ice-cream is melting and grab one of the bowls, "Why did you tell me any of this before?" she asks me with her eyes holding disappointment.

"Because, we also had other things and you had enough on your plate," I reason out before pointing out a spoonful of ice-cream, "I didn't give you enough time, did I? I didn't even ask you how work is going?"

"Sugar, stop that. It's not you and I just decided stuff yesterday," I place the bowl back on the counter and take her face in my hands, "Look, that little girl who surprisingly made her way into our lives, made me realize things. I want a future with you, Chloe,"

Her eyes widen at the word future, of course I know that scared her. Especially after her parents divorced, her belief in things like this has been tested, "Emphasize on future, Zach," she bites her lower lip trying to control the brimming tears causing the fear of her turning these feelings of mine down.

"It's too soon but I want to know if you..." I take a deep breath and wipe away the tear that runs down her cheek, "Will you ever consider marrying me?"

I close my eyes shut as the fear of rejection overpowers everything I was feeling, "Zach," she breathes out touching my cheek, "I love you, alright. I don't know about it... getting married and you understand it better than anyone else," she trails off as hot tears trickle down her face.

Sighing, I pull her into a hug against my naked chest, "I-I can't let the fear go. It's you, Zach, I can't risk it. I don't want us to be like mom and dad," I kiss her forehead and nod with the best smile I could muster up.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked," I whisper, regretting it already. Of course, she wanted a future just not this one thing, "Don't apologize, idiot," she smacks my arm taking me by surprise.

"I might consider it one day, just not right away," she finally says making an unexpected smile makes its way onto my face, "I'd gladly wait for that one day"


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