°•°Chapter 7°•°

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"Love meant jumping off a cliff and trusting that a certain person would be there to catch you at the bottom."

- Jodi Picoult.

Chloe's POV.

"I told you I'll be there so stop calling me every half an hour," I say annoyed at Lance. One message, I just messaged him asking who else is going to join us and with that he started calling me, just to make sure I show up. But not once did he mention the names of the people who're going to show up at the party.

"Fine! I won't call you again but don't skip the party. I'm not even sure when we'll get to meet up again," Lance says in his well-versed Italian accent.

"I promised you I'll be there with Dan so stop going all cheesy on me," he laughs before we end the calls after saying our goodbyes while I fold the washed clothes.

"Damn, Lance." I sigh dropping my phone on the bed before taking my pile of folded clothes to place them in the closet. I still feel like a zombie since I couldn't sleep again last night, Zach just seems to occupy my mind all day.

Placing the clothes in their respective places, I walk back into my room to collect my phone while Snowy obstructs my way out, "What's wrong with you?"

I ask him sitting down cross-legged in front of him and ruffle his fur as he rested his head on my shoulder, my dog's as sad as me now, "Geez, stop doing that,"

I giggle pushing my dog away as he licked my shoulder; I sure talk to him as if he understands what I say. I guess this is exactly what happens when you're alone at home with your dog.

Standing up, I pat his back before walking into my kitchen. I pour out my coffee into a mug out of the French press before removing the cooked waffle from the waffle maker. Snowy, follows me silently around until I sit on the barstool and he settles down near my foot. He never lets me feel alone.


"You sure, you won't mind taking care of him?" I ask Eli, handing snowy over to him while Dan rushes back to us, folding his sleeve.

"Stop being so formal Chloe," he says making me give him a sheepish smile before kneeling slowly trying not to slip with the heels I'm wearing. I kiss Snowy's head before whispering, "Be a good boy,"

"It's weird how he seems to understand what you say sometimes," Dan points out making me giggle before letting snowy wander around the house.

My phone goes off and I roll my eyes knowing who it is. Lance of course, "Bye,"

Dan quickly kisses Eli before following me out of the house, "You look nice,"

He says giving me a quick look. I wore a black skater dress with heels, that's all, with slight makeup to cover up my zombie look, "You look hot yourself,"

I smile at Dan before getting into the driver's seat in my car and finally pick the call, "We're on our way damn it, give us five minutes,"

I hang up once Lance says a quick 'okay' and start driving, "So is the jerk attending the party too?" I sneer at Dan's reference to Zach and just shrug.

"I don't know, I just hope I get a break from him at least today," but deep down I hoped, he showed up.

"It's going to be okay," Dan reassures me squeezing my hand and I smile at him trying to seem convinced. I park in Lance's driveway before letting out a breath, I hated parties but I, also need a change right now.

Dan taps on my shoulder holding out his iPhone, "Smile!" he whisper-shouts making me join in on the selfie with a smile, "How could you forget taking a picture?"

He asks me dramatically as I unbuckle myself, "Well you know it better than anyone how preoccupied my mind has been,"

"Stop working your head up and just relax tonight, get laid with some hot guy,"

"Nah, just don't let me do anything I regret," I tell him shaking my head with a smile at his attempts to lift my mood, "Come on! Cheer up dummy,"

He shakes me holding my shoulders making me laugh, "Fine! I'll enjoy myself but not getting laid," I point out still slightly laughing. My sex life sucked but I didn't need to get desperately laid with some stranger right now especially with my head only full of Zach's thoughts.

We get out of the car and the music makes my ears go blank for a second, "I thought this was supposed to be a fucking barbecue party, not a full-on party!" I yell over the music, as we got closer and the darn lights party lights make me blink my eyes a few times before adjusting to the contrasting darkness and colorful lights.

"Just get drunk, I'll stay sober and take you home," Dan whispers close to my ear and I shake my head, "No,"

I don't like how crowded this party is even the tiniest bit, what the fuck was wrong with Lance?! "Hey, sexy!"

"Lance?!" I yell at him as he pulls me away from Dan and holds me close with his arms tightly wrapped around my waist. I roll my eyes and remove his arms, "You didn't tell me about your party involving the whole damn city,"

"You wouldn't show up otherwise," he points out as I step back and search for Dan who is already going ahead for his first drink, "You look beautiful,"

I raise my eyebrow and shake my head, "Don't push it, Lance," he raises his hands in the air showing how innocent he is making me laugh.

"I don't think I'll stand a chance today though," he says grabbing my shoulders and spinning me around, "What do you mean?"

Leaning back a bit I ask him still confused and he points out in a direction, "He's here,"

My breath hitches at the sight of Zach, he's busy talking to someone, "Lance, why didn't you tell me he's coming too?!" I whisper-shout at him as my eyes stay glued onto Zach.

"As I said, if I gave you more details, you wouldn't come here," he shrugs and I punch his arm, "Oww! What was that for?!"

"For not telling me he's going to be here,"

"Geez! Calm down! Stop being so stubborn," he says forcing me to look at him. He knew how I felt for Zach, hell he never even held a grudge against me after we broke up and he was there when I was busy being a depressed soul.

"Stop refraining yourself, Chloe. Hit him if you need to and let go of that anger,"

"But-" he silences me with his finger before smiling at me, "Stop giving yourself reasons not to talk to him, take your time but talk to that asshole and let him know how you feel for him,"

"Two years is a long time Lance, a lot has changed," I sigh looking down at my feet.

"Not long enough for your heart to change," saying that, he pulls me into a hug as I gulp trying not to invite a new set of tears. I'm still not sure if I'm ready to forgive Zach but I sure wanted to talk to my best friend without risking my heart again.

You're so indecisive, Chloe.


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