°•°Chapter 16°•°

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"True love is not a hide and seek game: in true love, both lovers seek each other."
Michael Bassey Johnson.

Chloe's POV.

A sigh escapes my lips as I snapped a picture of the sunset before placing my camera down next to me, on the rock. The sunset was perfect at the Trappers lake with the beautiful horizon, almost too peaceful. I close my eyes before resting my chin on my knees while holding my legs closer to my chest.

I hated the way Zach made me feel, I hate how whatever he did affect me, and I especially hate how he could see through my expression. He's probably being honest about what went down with Anise in his office but I was just too scared to let my heartbreak again.

The past three weeks after his revelation went way too smooth and I guess everything is always too good to be true when it's with him. It was just amazing to go back home to him and having the weight of the past two years being lifted off but of course, that wasn't enough. My expectations suck.

My phone vibrates in my pocket for the hundredth time and I take it out before picking the call, "Chloe-"

"What do you want?" I ask Zach sounding devoid of all my emotions. I know, my heart exaggerates things when it comes to him, "What do you mean by what I want?! You fucking left me hanging after the whole stupid scenario with Anise and now you're ignoring my calls. I'm on my way to Trappers Lake, I know you're there,"

I smack my hand against my head for being so obvious about where I would be, "Just give me a break Zach, go back home. I'll be there in a few hours,"

After a moment of silence, I hear him sigh and probably bang his steering wheel, which is typical of him when he's frustrated, "Be there in an hour or I'm crashing your little lonely party,"

"Fine, now just let me be and go back home," I sigh as he hangs up on me with that, I know it's confusing to him with my shift in behavior. But that's exactly why I need the space right now, to fix my emotions from getting out of hand.

I did go home to quickly change into something comfortable before coming here and I made sure to leave a note for Zach, which he clearly didn't notice. I know, I was harsh for calling him a man-whore in the elevator but I really didn't know what else to say, I get to be upset too so I guess my anger got the best of me.

Anise sure is a person who throws herself at Zach at every opportunity she finds but my stupid heart didn't want to take the risk of being lied to by Zach, just in case he actually was fucking her. Was I jealous? I'm pretty sure, that's what this is.


I close the gate behind me after paying off for the taxi and notice Zach sitting on the entrance stairs, "Hey,"

Was all I could muster up as he stood up with an exhausted expression still in his work clothes making me sigh, "What's wrong with you now? I just went out for some fresh air,"

He continues to stare at my face through the dim light trying to read my expression, "Say something?" I nudge him trying to keep my emotions intact.

"What do you want me to say?" I look at him confused but he just sighs shaking his head before pulling me into a hug. I bite back my tears feeling the comfort of his embrace meltdown my walls, "Don't ever do that again, please,"

His voice cracks making me give up all restrain I had on my emotions, "I'm sorry," I choke out before he pulls back, cupping my face in his soft hands. His eyes are brimming with tears, which sparkle due to the light before he kissed my forehead.

He silently steps back just enough to grab my little camera bag and my hand before dragging me into the house. Snowy pounces onto me as soon as we step in, causing me to stumble a little at his sudden gesture and I sigh before cracking a smile.

Zach sighs before leaving us to put down the camera bag on the coffee table before returning to Snowy and me as I sat down on the ground petting him. Zach settles down behind me leaving me puzzled before wrapping his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder.

This is literally the three of us at the entrance of the house, "You don't trust me, do you?" he asks me making me take a sharp breath. Stupid thought I couldn't trust him but it wasn't him, it was my heart that I didn't trust enough, "That's not true, it's...well, it's complicated,"

I sigh sinking back into his arms, "Talk to me, sugar," he says kissing my neck sending a shiver down my spine.

"Zach, what are you doing?" I ask him panicking as I feel myself losing control over my feelings for him. He stands up almost too suddenly as I pat Snowy's back before taking Zach's hand and standing up to face him while my breathing is a little too heavy already.

His hand caresses my cheek while the other snakes around my waist pulling me closer making my heart beat out of my chest, "Just pull back if you don't like it or feel anything," he whispers against my lips before capturing my lips. My eyes involuntarily close feeling his soft lips against mine before kissing him back regaining from my surprised state.

I wrap my arms around his neck feeling a tear slip down my cheek and he quickly wipes it off before letting his tongue explore my mouth causing a surprising moan to escape my lips. He pulls back a little, as we got breathless just to look at me for any sign of regret, "Damn it, Sugar. That was the best kiss I ever had,"

A blush creeps up my cheek as he grins, "Mine too," my voice is barely a whisper before he pulls me into another kiss. The turmoil of feelings might not exactly be the verbal expression of what I'm feeling now because all I can feel right now is a deep admiration for my best friend slash the guy I love.

His arms tuck around my butt pulling me up to wrap my legs around his waist, which my body follows almost instantly. Our tongues fight for dominance, which turns into a stirring up of involuntary moans for me as I feel his hard-on against my heat. He pulls back breathlessly with a beautiful smile decorating his face.

"Zach..." his name rolls out of my mouth as he places a wet kiss on my collarbone, "Do you want me to stop, sugar?" he asks staring into my eyes while walking us to my bedroom.

"No," was all I said before being laid gently on my bed with my mind full of thoughts of him. Leaving me hot and bothered with a kiss near my cleavage, Zach walks out of the room, "Zach!"

"Patience, Sugar. I'm just locking the door," he responds from the living room and I sit up, taking off my leather jacket, which was making me, feel even hotter. I stand up trying to calm my heavy breaths while kicking off my converse. I feel Zach's muscular arms wrap around me from behind making my breath go ragged once again.

His hot breath tickles my neck making me smile before placed a wet kiss right there, "You've been the only woman who occupied my mind for the past few years, sugar. So don't for a second think that I was busy being a man-whore that I sure was in grad school,"

I gulp biting down on my lower lip trying not to ruin the perfect moment by crying. Never did I think that I'll be hearing Zach say this, he had me on his mind not just as a best friend but much more than that, "Say something, Chloe,"

He turns me around to face his dilated blue eyes filled with desperation, "Well... if you're being smart enough right now, you'll understand why I didn't have a serious relationship till now," I say in riddles making his eyebrows crease in confusion at first but then the realization hits him. Finally!

"You're not serious, are you?"

"Do I look like I'm joking idiot?" I roll my eyes wrapping my arms around his neck with a small smile, while he has a stupid grin on his face before kissing my temple and pulling me close.

Was this perfect? For me, this is the definition of perfect right now; I didn't need sugar-coated stuff to feel this happiness bubbling inside me. I just need this messed up version of perfect that reflects me and every memory we hold closest to our hearts.


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