°•°Chapter 8°•°

138 12 3

"Trust your instincts, and make judgements on what your heart tells you. The heart will not betray you."

– David Gemmell.

Chloe's POV.

"Dan!" I sigh finally finding him through the crowd and push my way through to him, "Chloe! Finally, I thought you were getting laid by the horny Italian ex," I roll my eyes slapping his chest.

"Nope, I told you that I wasn't going to get laid!" my eyes search for Zach but I see him nowhere and sigh. You weren't supposed to watch your best friend, silly. I remind myself before grabbing the beer from Dan's hand taking a swig of it, "Hey! That's mine!"

"Get another one, please?" I give him a sweet smile making him hit my forehead, "You should stop getting things done just by giving me that smile of yours,"

I let out a laugh as he left me alone to grab another drink. My eyes finally land on Zach and my heart clenches at the sight of him kissing a blonde. I quickly look away trying to breathe, why did this affect me so much? I've seen him be in relationships after I realized my feelings for him before but this just hurt.

"Hey, here you go," Dan comes back with a cheery smile and I try smiling through the pain I was feeling, "Thank you,"

Fuck it, Chloe. Just do the stupid thing and get laid tonight.

Taking a deep breath, I put my drink aside and get onto the dance floor of crowded people followed by Dan, "Everything alright?" he asks me.

"Everything's perfect," I smile forcefully trying not to just turn around and look at Zach. He probably is sorry for leaving two years ago but he didn't have any feelings for me.

Unintentionally, I turn my head to find Zach but not in the same way as before. I storm past the crowd and head towards the jerk, how the fuck does he end up messing things up every single time?

His eyes widen as he notices me and I grab the glass of whiskey out of his hand still glaring at him. Placing it down on the counter, I grab his hand and pull him out of the place, "Chloe-"

"Just fucking shut up!" I shout at him over the blasting music as we made our way out of the house to the porch. I finally stop once we were near my car and turn around to face him in his all drunken glory, "Sugar,"

His words are slurry as he stepped closer to me, taking my face in his hands and I do the unthinkable. I slap him with my heart pounding out of my chest while he stumbles back, "Y-you idiot,"

I grab him by his collar while his hand traces the cheek I just slapped him on, "What was that for?" he asked with confusion in his eyes.

"For, getting drunk. For making the possibility of you relapsing even higher and for breaking my fucking trust all over again. I thought you grew out of being irresponsible,"

He lifts a hand to my face wiping away the tear I didn't realize escaped my eyes, "I'm sorry," his eyes are fixed on mine showing the sadness in his eyes. He pulls me into a hug, "I need you, Chloe,"


My eyes snap open as the alarm on my phone goes off and I reach out the nightstand only to realize that two strong arms are holding me down. Turning off the alarm, my gaze falls on Zach who's fast asleep making me sigh before slowly lifting his arm off my waist.

I let my fingers trace his cheek where I slapped him last night, "Why did you have to be so stupid?"

My voice is a whisper as I lean forward to place a kiss on his forehead. He held onto me when I finally dragged him home with Dan's help and pleaded me to just stay. I ended up falling asleep next to him the same way we did every time we spent nights at each other's home.

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