°•°Chapter 32°•°

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"You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead."


Chloe's POV.

"Today was beautiful," I say as we got out of the car while it continued to snow, "There's still a few hours left, let's make it count," Zach says opening the door and closing it before hoisting me onto his waist.

Snowy rushes towards us making him almost drop me and I hold onto Zach for dear life, "Oops, seems like you forgot about Dan and Eli crashing here too," I say with a giggle as I get back onto my feet and remove my trench coat and beanie.

I kneel, ruffling Snowy's fur and he excitedly climbed up onto me as much as he could, "Okay, I get it. You missed us," Zach settles down next to me and Snowy turns his attention to him. We had to drop Molly back at the hospital and lucky enough, we got to put her to bed before leaving but I wonder if she'll wake up crying. Every single time we had to leave her there, it was painful to watch her little face covered in tears.

Kissing Zach on the cheek, I walk into the living room to find, Dan on Eli with both of them snoring making me stifle a giggle. No wonder, the house is so quiet at nine pm on Christmas.

"Wow, Molly and Snowy got them exhausted, huh?" Zach says behind me with a smirk before heading towards the kitchen to refill Snowy's food bowl, "I'll grab a blanket for them,"

I say before heading into the guest room, Molly's little temporary set up of a small tent with mickey on it made me smile. She sure made our Christmas extra special and Ms. Bailey would be proud of her little girl for being so strong.

Sighing, I grab the blanket off the bed and head back into the living room where Dan and Eli are fast asleep. I cover them with the blanket and turn up the temperature of the heater before following Zach into the bedroom.

"Zach!" I whisper shout as he picks me up as soon as I close the door, causing a hearty laugh out of him before he dropped me down on the bed with my legs dangling off the edge, "Merry Christmas," he says kissing my cheek.

"To you too," with that, he kisses me while I kick off my boots before wrapping my legs around his waist, kissing him back, "We never exchanged gifts, Sugar," he reminds me and I slap my forehead, disappointed in myself for forgetting.

His hands slowly unbutton my pants while placing wet kisses on my neck, "First this and then gifts," I heavily breathe out and nod in agreement. My hands work on getting his clothes off while he leaves hickeys down the valley of my breasts. I bite down on my lower lip, trying to contain my moans as his hand slips down to my heat while removing the last of my clothing, "Look at me, Sugar,"

He forces me to open my eyes to his stunning blue orbs before moving down a little and taking my right nipple into his mouth causing an involuntary loud moan to escape my lips. My hand immediately forces my mouth shut while I could feel Zach smirking against my skin.

"Zach!" a surprised giggle escapes my lips as he tickles my sides with a grin, "I love you so much, Chloe," our grins turn into warm smiles as studies my face with love radiating from his gaze.

"You idiot!" my voice is a loud moan while I smack his arm as he slams into me, "I'm sorry," he murmurs against my neck making my heart melt. My fingers tangle themselves into his hair while he slowly starts moving.

"Please, stop being a tease," my voice comes out a whimper and he kisses me before slamming into me at knocking speed. Oh, this is one hell of a way to end this amazing day. In his arms.

His hands hold mine up above my head while swallowing my moans in the kiss driving me breathless and closer to the edge. His naked body moves in harmony with mine as he plunges deep into me causing my back to arch in pleasure, "I don't care if your moans are going to wake those both up but I need to hear you, Sugar,"

With that my moans find no control as he continues plunging deep into my core, making my orgasms roll out as he never slowed down, "Zach," my voice is breathless as my hands try to free themselves while he drove my onto the edge once more.

"With me, Sugar," he let my hands go before holding my face with one of his and kissing me. My toes curl up as I feel him deep and still inside me before ecstasy hit both of us, "Love you,"

I say breathlessly making his lips curl up in a smile against my forehead, "Love you, Sugar"


About ten years ago

"What are you doing? Studying again?!" Zach whines as he entered my room with two huge boxes of pizza in his jeans and black t-shirt, "We've both got finals in a week," I point out before both of us settled down onto my bed.

Honestly, couldn't wait until high school is over and lucky enough, I get to have this best friend of mine even when we go to uni, "I've got you to help me with studies plus we went over each subject over two times in two weeks,"

"Fine let's just have our movie night in peace though, let me get these books away for now," he says making me roll my eyes with a smile while closing all the books and placing them neatly on the nightstand. I open the boxes of pizza while he relaxes next to me with his arm, rests around my waist.

"This tastes good," my voice is half a moan as I take a bite of the pepperoni pizza, making him laugh before grabbing his slice, "Want to give F.R.I.E.N.D.S a shot?"

"Nah, I'm in the mood for action-comedy," I say with a grin making him chuckle while he scrolled through Netflix, "Mr. and Mrs. Smith?" he asks and I nod before turning off the lights. Have to create the ambiance, you know?

"What happened to that date of yours?" I ask him while the movie starts and he shakes his head with a hearty laugh, "Not date, Chloe,"

Rolling my eyes I playfully slap his arm, "Right, so got laid then?"

"Yup, that's more like it,"

"You're a man-whore,"

"Still your best friend," I giggle at his statement while chewing on my pizza, "True that and plan on keeping it that way,"

"Oh, you're stuck with me for life cause both you and I are going to die single,"

"Sounds like a plan," he pulls me into a side snuggle as we grin before getting back to the movie and pizza. Damn, these weekend's that we crashed at each other's places for movie nights were just the perfect break from things for both of us. A year ago, I despised him until we were thrown together in detention for bickering in class.

It rather became our thing and then we started hanging out together for everything. The project works, sending college applications together, and having him over to hold me when my life was falling apart. Now, I cannot imagine surviving this year without my best friend. Not just this year, we plan to stick together, as he said – we're both going to die single.

"Did you forget to get some dessert?" I ask him with a frown, "They ran out of brownies,"

"Alright, hold on a second," I say, pausing the movie and turn on the light before opening the drawer of my nightstand to grab some packets of sugar that I had stocked up. I hand two to him and grab two more for myself, "Sugar? Really?!"

He laughs and I shrug with a smile before pouring down the fine crystals into my mouth, "Perfect when there's no dessert and when you don't make anything amazing to satisfy my sweet-tooth," I say with my mouthful while he grins looking at me.

"Oh, I finally found a nickname for you!"

"What is it?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow with a smile as he had his mouthful of sugar too, "Sugar!"


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