°•°Chapter 29°•°

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"Sometimes it takes a wrong turn to get you to the right place."

Mandy Hale.

Chloe's POV.

"Chloe, we need to talk," Zach's worried voice gets my attention as soon as he walks into the house, "What's wrong? You look worried,"

I close the bedroom door just a little once I made sure Molly is asleep and walk over to him, "It's Ms. Bailey,"

My heart drops as I stand in front of him and he takes my hands in his, "She woke up,"

"That's great news!" I clap my hands together in happiness but my smile soon drops noticing his expression not changing, "Zach, what is it?"

"They're saying that it might only be temporary, something like a surge," with all the over-watching of grey's anatomy, I sure did know what that means, "That can't be true,"

"It is, we need to take Molly right now for her to see her and we need to talk to her," he says grabbing my shoulders as my lips quivered with my eyes threatening with tears, "Chloe,"

He pulls me into his arms, "That can't be true, Molly needs her mom," I whisper as the first tear rolls down my cheek, "I know, but we need to get there soon so that if things don't go the way they should, we know where Molly should go,"

I close my eyes, not liking the sound of the situation, and take deep breaths while Zach rubs circles on my back, "She's such an amazing baby," I murmur into his chest letting a sob escape my lips.

"She is and she is strong too," Zach adds before kissing my hair, "We need to go, Sugar," he nudges me before wiping the tears off my face. Reading my face, he pulls me into a kiss, caressing my cheek.

Did I want this? No! But the two days, I got to spend with that baby girl made it worth every extra stress I had to take. Things would've been way different if someone else helped Ms. Bailey and Molly but right now, it feels like there are going to be more insane choices to make.


"So, you're saying that there's no one else for Molly to go to and there's only adoption?" I ask Ms. Bailey in disbelief and she plays with Molly who's sitting on her bed next to her. I look at Zach who's trying not to lose his calm for my sake as he rubs circles on my hand.

"I do have a foster family but I've gone separate ways from them for about ten years now. I don't want my daughter growing up in that house," her voice is raspy as she controls her tears and the weakness that's taking over her. I really hope that this is not a surge.

"Listen, I know we don't know each other much and I never got to thank you both for taking care of Molly but I still have one request,"

"What is it?" Zach asks finally speaking up and squeezing my hand in his, "I'll have to be realistic about this, I-I probably won't make it through,"

"Please don't say that," I plead and look at Molly who's wiping the tears off her mom's face with her tiny hand but her smile never dropping, "Just let me finish what I have to say, please,"

She requests and I nod looking down at my hands, "Molly is going to be put up for adoption because her dad past away a few months ago in a plane crash and there's no one else we've got," I shut my eyes trying not to express my sadness while Zach continues to rub comforting circles on my hand.

"If you guys can... will you adopt Molly?" I choke on my tears that I was trying to stop and look up at her in horror, "W-what?"

"If not, can you make sure that she's put into a good foster home?" my head snaps to look at Zach who's face is too calm for the situation, "Ms. Bailey-" I cut him off before he could say anything.

"We'll be right back, can we just talk about this for a minute?" I ask her and she gives me a tired smile with a nod before I drag Zach out of the room.

"Oh my god, Zach! What do we do?!" I whisper shout and he grabs my face into his hands, forcing me to look at him, "Shh, just breathe. Breathe, Chloe."

I try calming my breath down amongst the sobs that were escaping my lips while he kisses my forehead, "Do you want to do this, sugar?" I look at him as he wipes off my tears.

"Spell it out for me, please. I want to hear it to let the reality sink it," I cup his face, staring into his blue orbs trying to calm my racing heart, "Do you want to adopt Molly together?"

"Yes," the answer rolls out of my mouth as a new set of tears roll down my face, "I don't know if this is the right choice or not but I just feel that this is right,"

He cuts me off by placing his lips on mine as his lips curl up into a smile, "I want this with you," he says wiping my tears dry and kisses my forehead.

"We're really doing this then?" he nods and I finally muster up a smile as he took my hand before we headed back in. Ms. Bailey looks up at us in her tired state yet with a hopeful smile with a sleeping Molly next to her.

"We'll adopt her," Zach says with his heartwarming smile and I flash a smile to Ms. Bailey who's happy, "Thank you, thank you so much,"

Her voice is barely a whisper and I sit down next to her, before grabbing the little rattle Molly was holding onto, "Don't thank us. I just hope you make it through Ms. Bailey,"

I say sincerely, even though we were willing to adopt Molly, I still wish this wasn't a surge. There is nothing better than this baby girl having her mom back.


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