°•°Chapter 46°•°

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"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter."

Nicolas Chamfort.

Chloe's POV.

"Sugar, we need to get used to being called Dad and Mom." The words leave Zach's mouth making my eyes widen at the realization, "Wow," is all that comes out of mouth before I slightly choke on the cereal. Zach gives me a look spelling 'We already fucked up'.

"We managed to be so fucking dumb," I mutter under my breath before smacking my forehead with my hand. Of course, I would love to hear Molly call me mom but it's going to take some getting used to before we teach her to call us that way.

"And we need to stop swearing so much before we end up teaching her 'fuck' as her first proper word," with that I crack up and start laughing making Zach laugh as well. That'd be as fucked, scratch that messed up as it gets if she does end up saying the f-word.

"Oh my," I say realizing something and bite my lower lip in an attempt to stop the laugh from escaping my lips, "What is it, Sugar?" Zach raises his eyebrows before taking the last scoop of cereal and I shake my head before taking a quick last few spoons of my cereal.

"Woah, slow down," he says with an amused laugh while I quickly chew down on the cereal in my mouth, "We don't get to have sex all the time," I say with a giggle as his jaw drops.

Looking around, I notice Snowy half-asleep, Dan, and Eli clearly not joining us anytime soon. Getting off the barstool with a sly smile, I step closer to Zach who's trying his hardest to not take me right to bed, "Sugar-"

I silence him with a kiss before running my right hand under his t-shirt making him groan into the kiss before finally giving in and pulling me close with an arm wrapped around my waist, "You sure about this, Sugar?"

"Stop thinking so hard, idiot, and kiss me," with that he smiles his sexy smile before getting off the barstool and picking me off the floor. Wrapping my legs around his waist, securing myself in the position, I leave a wet trail of kisses down his jaw and he takes quick strides towards the bedroom, "Hmm, stop playing with me, Sugar,"

He groans before kicking the bedroom door close before slowly placing me on the bed, "Hold on a second," he says, leaving a wet kiss on my cleavage before grabbing the phone out of his pocket, which is vibrating.

"Yeah hey," he sighs giving me an apologizing look before sitting down at the edge of the bed. I roll my eyes as he shows me the screen of his phone flashing the name of his lawyer, way to go, and now we're getting nowhere with my bothered self. I had no idea why I was feeling this frustrated but well, I am.

Getting off the bed, I remove my clothes at a rather torturous pace noticing Zach's hot gaze on me before walking into the washroom for a shower. Sighing, I turn on the hot water as soon as I step into the shower while the water relieves the soreness on my right hand from the bruise while my left-hand runs through my wet hair.

My thoughts shift our trip to Illinois where Zach made love to me right in that balcony during sunset. Biting my lower lip, I let my left-hand trace down my body before gasping as I brushed a finger over my heat. A small moan leaves my lips as I let my fingers linger around, "Sugar-"

My jaw drops, leaving my face flustered as soon as Zach's voice interrupts and close my eyes to cover my embarrassment, "Someone's horny," he whispers into my ear before his naked body pressed against my back. His smirking lips leave kisses over my shoulder while his right-hand rests on my stomach, holding me in place and his left, travels down my hand.

"Zach," a moan escapes my lips as his member presses against my back and his hand brushes over my core making me push my head against his chest in pleasure, "You're so beautiful, Chloe,"

He whispers against my skin, sending shivers down my spine while his hand skillfully pleasures my core making me whimper, "Fuck it, Zach, take me already," I whisper out of breath, "Patience, Sugar," he smirks as I turn my head slightly to glare at his blue orbs which is almost impossible.

I turn around to face him while the water poured down on us before pulling him in a kiss, he lips curl up into a smile reflecting mine as he kissed back. He holds my body flush against his body while my back hits the cool tiled wall of the shower cubicle. His hands trace my butt before pulling me up over his waist, with my legs wrapping around him as moans escape my lips with every kiss.

My voice is cut off with more moans as Zach takes my perky nipple in his mouth, "Oh, you idiot. Stop being such a tease," I breathe out only making him let out a small laugh, causing a smile on my face while I shake my head at how we somehow have moments of laughter even during sex.

"I love you," I whisper against his lips with our smiles never dropping before kissing him and my hands entangle themselves in his hair. His tongue enters my mouth, making me melt in his arms while he takes me by surprise as soon as he pushes into me. My moan is absorbed by our kiss while my grip on his hair drops down to his back, where my fingers sink into his skin in an attempt to control the pleasure coursing through me.

His lips slowly move down from my lips to my jaw letting my moans free as I rest my head against the tiled wall while his movements pace up, "Oh my, Zach!" I moan out feeling myself come undone for the first time while gaining a grin from him. Oh, making love is never going to get boring for us.


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