°•°Chapter 34°•°

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"If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more."

-Jane Austen.

Chloe's POV.

"I'm good with post-it's," he looks at me in confusion probably not getting the grey's anatomy reference, for a second until realization hit him, "Sugar, are you saying yes?"

A blush creeps up my face while I smile, "I'm saying yes to the possibility of marrying my best friend," his grin meets his eyes making my heart flutter, "The best gift ever,"

Saying that he leans down kissing me with a smile dancing on his lips, "Don't get too excited and rush into things," I whisper against his lips and he nods with his smile never dropping, "Waffle,"

He chuckles as the smell of the ready waffle hits our nostrils, "Did you eat?"

"Nah, just coffee," he shrugs taking the waffle out onto a plate and pouring in more batter for another, "What about them?" I ask him pointing towards the living room where Blake, Hailey, and Emmett were laughing aloud.

"They had some amazing breakfast on the way here, all three of them," he snickers making me giggle as I sit down on the barstool before pouring some golden syrup on the waffle, "Whipped cream?"

"Hell yes," I say while Zach puts some on the waffle, "Well look who's here, just at the whiff of fresh waffles," giggling, I ruffle Snowy's fur while he tried getting a grab at my breakfast. He finally gets off me when he understood that his adorableness isn't going to buy him the waffle, "He loves the attention,"

I say with a smile before grabbing a bite of the waffle, "This tastes heavenly," I sigh enjoying the feeling of the warm waffle, "See, it's perfect when you're starving," Zach adds getting another fresh waffle and sits down next to me.

"So, you said yes?" he says or rather asks with his beautiful smile breaking into a boyish grin, "I said yes to the possibility," I say with a smile of my own accompanied by a blush. He shakes his head with a grin before capturing my lips for a brief second leaving me long for more.

"You both! Stop with the sexual tension even in the kitchen!" Emmett's voice gets our attention making me giggle at his childish whine, "That wasn't even anything,"

Zach adds rolling his eyes with a smirk before pulling me into another kiss but this time, he slipped his tongue past my lips. I try stopping him by smacking his arm but he holds me in place, my best friend is going to be the death of me.


My eyes flutter open, fighting the tiredness as I feel familiar strong arms carrying me, "Zach, I can walk," I mumble but let my head, rest against his chest, listening to his heart beating.

"You clearly don't mean what you said, Sugar," he points out with a smile as he walked us into the bedroom and I locked the door behind.

"Where are those three crashing?"

"Blake and Hailey in the guest room and Emmett is already asleep on the couch with Snowy in his arms," Emmett's position makes me giggle and Zach joins in with a small laugh as he lowered me onto the bed.

"You look beautiful," he whispers kissing my forehead before taking off his t-shirt and snuggling next to me, "Yeah right, in a sweatshirt and shorts," I giggle before sighing into his chest.

"You look beautiful in everything, Sugar," he whispers smiling against my forehead, "You're just a cheesy boyfriend and best friend,"

"Any updates on Molly?" I ask him with my thoughts occupied with the baby girl, "Just that one call in the morning, confirming that she's fine and they might've found a potential match for her foster parents," his voice is low as he held me closer. We did have to say anything to know how this whole thing was impacting us, Molly crossed our path out of nowhere yet the need to protect her is strong.

"We can only hope that she finds a good home," I mumble against his chest and he pulls away just enough to read my face, "How the hell did we, two messed up best friends end up wanting to start a family?"

His question causes a laugh to escape my lips instead of over-analyzing the situation making him crack a grin too. Normally, I'd be crying or stress-eating or just stay a mess but this whole thing is unbelievably absurd if I put it nicely and that is because the two of us never even thought of anything like this before.

Calming my laughter down, I finally speak my mind out, "You're putting it nicely, when you say messed up but again, we grew up," I say as his blue orbs stared into my as he lifts his hand to caress my cheek.

"We grew up the second you decided to come back and make things right. You grew up into an amazing man and that is a lot coming from me, who saw you right from the start of things getting messed up,"

He cracks a small smile while his eyes brimmed with tears making my heart clench, "What I'm about to say next, is probably the sappiest thing you'll ever get to hear from me and something I'm not going to repeat so listen,"

I breathe out biting my lower lip as my heart started beating out of my chest, "I was scared, I was so scared when Molly was first left in my arms. But when you showed up after some time, I just wanted it with you. I wanted to finally settle down and just have it all with you,"

My throat hurts from the forced out words as I looked straight to his bare chest, fearing the unknown, "You don't have to ever be that sappy again because those words are now imprinted here and I'll do the sappy things instead as you call them," his hand grabs mine, resting it on his chest right where is heart is.

I look up at him to see him give me the most heart-warming smile ever as if he didn't ever do it already, before pulling me into a kiss. A kiss to erase all my fears and a kiss of reassurance that this moment is already captured in his heart. A moment of weakness turned into a moment of acceptance.


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