°•°Chapter 35°•°

64 7 14

"Life itself is the best (and the only) timekeeper."

Rasheed Ogunlaru.

Zach's POV.

"What are you doing up so early?" I smile as I hear Chloe's sleepy voice, "Had to get some work done,"

"At seven in the morning during holidays?" she rolls her eyes sitting up in bed next to me before resting her head on my shoulder, "Why are you forcing yourself up?"

I ask her looking through some digital documents that dad sent. Of course, he didn't take me off the company, he needed all the help he could get and with the recent chain of events, he's been both a better dad and boss, "Washroom,"

Stifling a laugh, I watch her lazily get off the bed in her beautiful morning face before smiling at me and walking off to the washroom. She is the most amazing woman, I could ever have in life. We sure broke the ground rules of 'never fall in love with your best friend' but it turned out rather perfect for, how much of a messed up person I am or was cause my girlfriend gave me a convincing talk last night.

Grabbing my stylus, I digitally sign the acknowledgment of the document I was reading and email it back to the respective person before closing my laptop. Chloe walks out muttering curses making me raise an eyebrow, "What is it, Sugar?"

"Fucking, period." She whines before getting back on the bed next to me and pulling me back next to her, "I just want to snuggle in bed," she mumbles and I hold her close before kissing her forehead. Period, Chloe is the worst sometimes when her mood swings come to play so I'm expecting the worst with the whole Molly situation right now.

What do I say? Being her best friend who actually got an in on all these tiny details for ten years now, has its perks or more like a warning to make some good latte with chocolate shavings for my girl.


"Stop cooking, I'm ordering in!" Chloe's voice startles me before she smacks my head, "I'm only grabbing some hot pockets," I scoff at her rubbing the back of my head where she just smacked me hard before closing the freezer.

"I'm sorry," she apologizes with a pout before wrapping her arms around my waist, enough to melt my moment of anger. Again, I can't be angry at her, just mad at how good she's at hitting me, "Make that latte for me please?"

I laugh at her request and point out at the kitchen counter where he fresh latte is resting, "You're the best!" she squeals before pulling me into a kiss, letting her lips linger a little longer as she smiled.

"Can you both give us a break from this sexual tension?!" Blake's voice, makes Chloe dig her face into my clothed chest making me grin, "Well what do I say, we're trying our hardest not to ruin the kitchen for you guys,"

Chloe lifts her head off my chest, fully flustered before smacking my arm for what I said making Blake laugh with me joining him. Of course, I couldn't have her right but more than me, she's the one getting more sexually frustrated.

"Please, don't do that," Emmett joins us into the laughter, finally pulling Chloe into it with her laugh rumbling against my chest. Oh, my tune of happiness. She squeals feeling Snowy lick her leg out of nowhere making me stifle a laugh, "It's so cold and you had to do that," she sighs with her bright smile before kneeling to ruffle Snowy's fur.

Taking the chance, I grab the latte that's probably going warm, "You wouldn't want to have a lukewarm latte," I tell her, handing the mug. She stands up, kissing my cheek before grabbing the mug and taking a seat on the barstool, "How does pizza sound to you guys?"

Emmett asks looking into his phone probably ready to order food, "It's pizza, there's nothing to complain about it," I shrug with a grin before grabbing the hot pockets I was intending to heat up and put two of them in the microwave. Pressing on the buttons, I leave it to heat up before resting against the counter and staring at my best friend.

Three months ago, this was all so fucked up and now we're right where I only dreamt of being. Now Molly came along and things have escalated so fast in the past two weeks, be it me realizing things that I actually wanted only with Chloe or realizing that I'd ever want a kid. Did this feel rushed? Maybe? But with Chloe, it's just all so clear which sometimes is scary. Maybe, I just deep down didn't want to wait for things to go wrong.

Chloe turns to face me with raised eyebrows once Emmett and Blake left us alone, "What's wrong?" she asks me walking towards me right when the microwave dings, "Nothing, I'm just hungry,"

I mumble grabbing the mitten before opening the microwave and removing the plate containing two hot pockets, "Interesting how you think, I'd buy that," she whispers next to me giving me a worried look. Oh, this was the only problem at times cause she read my mind. Always.

"Just thinking about how quickly everything escalated lately," I finally say sighing as she wraps her arms from behind me. She lets her head rest against my back before kissing my shoulder, "We'll figure it out,"

Just about anything she says convinces me and so did this, we'll figure it out. Just at our own pace, "Love you," I say kissing her hand before turning around with a smile, "Wish I could say, love you more but again, it's almost impossible to measure love,"

She says with a smile before I silenced her with a kiss. My left arm holds her close while my free hand tucks her hair behind her ear as she leaned in more to deepen the kiss. Right then my stomach growls making her pull back with a giggle, "Let's eat,"

She nudges me, stepping back and I shake my head with a smile, grabbing the now warm hot pockets, "Here you go,"

I hand her the plate while biting on the on in my hand, "This is good," I say with my mouth full making her roll her pretty eyes. Following her, I watch her sway her long hair and walk-in her black knit sweater going down to her knees, "Didn't make us any?"

Hailey asks with a pout as we entered the living room while Mission Impossible is playing on T.V, "Well there's pizza coming in ten minutes and you guys had pancakes without us," Chloe sticks her tongue out making me laugh. Her classic childish actions made us best friends in the first place but again, I've been childish all my life which Chloe knows best so we're darn good for each other.


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