°•°Chapter 14°•°

114 10 2

"Life is the first gift, love is the second, and understanding the third."
Shannon Alder.

Chloe's POV.

"It was a stupid reason I had Chloe but I didn't want you to see me as the miserable person I was," Zach whispers next to me, surprising me with the sudden talk, I shift my gaze from my laptop where our old photos were on display to him.

"That is all? You didn't want me to see you being miserable?" I ask him with my breathing getting heavy. His gaze finally meets mine before he let out a sigh, "I was disappointed in myself Chloe, nothing was working out and everyone was disappointed in me, except you. I didn't want to see that look on your face too,"

I could feel my eyes sting with tears while his gaze holds mine with his eyes tearing up, "I didn't think I could take it... So, I decided that I'll only come back once I got everything back in track. You were kind of my motivation to get things done so that I could get back to you again. I hated it, Chloe, I hated myself for not replying to every e-mail and message you left for me,"

Placing my laptop aside on the side table, I turn to face Zach. I had no words to say, was it good enough of a reason for him to leave? I don't know but I can't even begin to imagine what everything felt like for him, "I didn't have an answer good enough if you asked me why I got into getting intoxicated and I kept pushing you away. It took me everything to not come running to you every time you tried visiting me at the recovery village,"

Extending my hand, I wipe off the tear that rolls down his cheek and he pulls me into a hug instead, "I couldn't face you... the image of you crying all through the trip to the hospital when I overdosed was just stuck in my head. I didn't want to see you that hurt because of me again,"

I let my tears free as a sob escapes my lips and he lifts my face to look at him before wiping away my tears, "And then when I got to know how much of impact, me leaving started having on you... I ended up relapsing,"

"H-how did you-" he silences me with his finger before pulling me onto his lap while my tears find no ending, "You weren't the only one keeping tabs on me. I could barely get through these two years without meeting you, Lance kept updating me,"

My jaw drops at his revelation, "Lance, out of everyone?" he shrugs with a small smile before leaning his forehead against me, "Yeah apart from when you guys were together, we got through these two years without fighting much. He refused to tell me anything much but just knowing you were fine, got me through,"

I sigh realizing that Lance probably never told him about my feelings for him, that'd have been messed up, "I was never disappointed in you idiot, you are my stupid stupid best friend. I wanted nothing more than you coming back," a small smile dances on my lips through my tears.

"Yeah, I know I was dumb but again, you've always been the smart one," he says making me chuckle while he tucks a few loose strands of my hair behind my ear before lifting his head to kiss my forehead, "Why did you break up with Bryan though?"

He asks referring to my then-boyfriend, "Well, he thought I didn't care enough for him and spent more time with you. But again, you were always more important. He just expected a little too much out of a fling," I try reasoning out as much as I could. Well, what else do I say? No one ever measured up to you? That would be messed up if I did.

"And Lance?" I roll my eyes at his never-ending questions regarding my dating life which undeniably sucked. His eyes never leave my face as he keenly observes everything I did while waiting for an answer with his fingers playing with my hair, "Well he was a rebound from things, he's more of a good friend than anything else,"

He finally looks up with a small smile making me raise an eyebrow, "What?"

"Well, just loving how I was more important than your dating life," he says making me feel flustered a little at how he framed it, "You are really important to me Zach, and you need to know that," I say before he pulled me closer against his chest.

"Thank you for never giving up on me," he says kissing my shoulder making a shiver run down my spine. Is it just my sexual life sucking so much that everything felt a little too intimate or was Zach really doing things on purpose?


"I still don't trust him a lot," Blake says over the phone making me sigh. He wouldn't get it, of course, he wouldn't. He's being protective over me and he's seen me at my worst when Zach left.

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing Blake and he's not going to disappear on me again." I hear him sigh on the other end and let my eyes enjoy the sight of Zach playing with Snowy.

"Fine, I trust you but just don't let him hurt you again," I chuckle before replying, "He won't hurt me and stop worrying so much. I'll be fine,"

"Okay, just take care of yourself. I've got to go, though bye little sis,"

"Bye Blake," I hang up with a smile before checking the time, 10 p.m. already. Hearing the sound of the oven, I walk up to it and put on the mitten before removing the tray of garlic knots that Zach made, "Damn! These smell good,"

"Of course they do," Zach walks into the kitchen with a huge grin making me smile. Placing the tray on the counter next to the chicken wings, I take off the mitten before grabbing two plates, "I'm starving!"

While making him chuckle while filling the plates and I grab two glasses before filling them with water. He tears a garlic knot and holds a half out for me which I quickly bite on, "This is heavenly,"

My mouth is full as I compliment, "I know. Come on now, let's move this to the living room," he says grabbing the two plates of food before heading back into the living room to resume binge-watching grey's anatomy. Finally re-watching the show with after two years so hell yeah, this was special.

I sit down next to him while he places the plate on my lap, "Sugar, smile!" he says before snapping a picture of both of us, "Hey, a little warning?" I say with a smile before he snaps another picture with his arm around my shoulders.

"Perfect," I say looking at the picture before we got back to the food and of course grey's anatomy, "Alex is hot." Zach almost chokes on his food at my comment making me giggle.

"What?" looking him, I ask making him shake his head with a smile, "You hated him in the beginning," he points out.

"Yeah cause he was a jerk but now his character is just the best," I shrug getting back to my food. I feel his gaze on me making me blush but I try not making it obvious and let my eyes linger on the screen. Damn, the way he makes me feel sometimes like I'm the only one here but again as he said he missed me. So, that's probably why he kept observing things I did.


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