°•°Chapter 49°•°

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"When you feel someone else's pain and joy as powerfully as if it were your own, then you know you really loved them."

Ann Brashares.

Chloe's POV.

"So you want us to reschedule the photoshoot to next week?" I sigh gaining a look from Zach while waiting for Ms. Taylor's assistant to speak up, "Yes, Ms. Taylor had some last-minute emergency," she adds after a pause and I rub my forehead in disappointment.

"Okay then, thank you for letting me know. I'll send an email with the re-scheduled dates tomorrow,"

"Okay, thank you Ms. Miller and I once again apologize for the inconvenience," with the call abruptly gets cut off, "Wow." I let out a dry laugh before putting my phone back on the nightstand.

"Re-schedule?" Zach asks, sitting next to me and wraps an arm around my waist, "Yup," I say rubbing my face before resting my head against his shoulder. My still damp hair makes me shiver a little. His soft lips kiss my forehead while I close my eyes, sighing.

"I'm still on a day off," Zach's playful voice is back making me smile, "You've been having a lot of those lately,"

"Are you complaining?" he asks raising an eyebrow, "As long as you're handling things, it's all good," I shrug before turning to face him and hold his cheek with my left hand before pulling him into a kiss. He kisses back with a smile against my lips before sliding his tongue past my lips causing a moan from me.

My fingers run through his damp messy hair before we pull back as we get out of breath, "Get dressed, Sugar. We're going on a date,"


"Stop doing that!" I whine with my eyes closed as I feel Zach's hand caressing my skirt-cladded thigh almost causing the material to lift up, "Why?" opening my eyes, I stare at him blue orbs trying to fight a smile but fail, making him grin. The sounds of birds chirping and splitter splatter of the lake calms my mind down while I look at Zach who's keeping me cozy with his arm around me.

"Because you wouldn't want me to get horny and I'd like to enjoy the serenity instead," whispering to his smiling face, I peck his lips. His idea of a date is bringing me to Tapper's lake which held quite a lot of memories for both of us and given how stressed we've both been, I think this is the best thing we did in a while. The conclusion is the best date ever.

"I do want you to get horny," he whispers kissing my neck with a grin and I smack his arm making him hiss, "Sugar; you do know that I'm perfectly capable of throwing you over my shoulder and taking you right in the car. Don't you?"

I bite my lower lip as he pulls me over onto his lap with a smirk and I take his face into both my hands before kissing him again. Words didn't have to be said to express how much I love him, a little too much to make my heart ache sometimes and he didn't have to spell it out for me either, I could see the love in his eyes as cliché as that sounds.

He kisses me a few more times before pulling back breathlessly, "You're so beautiful," he smiles before tucking my now outgrown bangs behind my ear, "You're cheesy," I point out with a giggle before resting my head on his chest.

"I love you, idiot," I say with my smile never dropping, "Love you too, Sugar," the happiness in his voice is evident, making me sigh in relief. He rests his head on mine while I stared far away into the lake, in an attempt to leave all my heavy thoughts at bay.

"Ughh! Bugs!" I whine noticing a few around and Zach groans as well, "Let's go, it's already past two," sighing, I get off him. He gets off the little cemented bench that we were sitting on before helping me grab all the food containers of our takeaway brunch. Dumping them in a bag, we head back to the car that was just a few meters away from us.

Zach dumps it in a trash can while I get into the car and breathe out while waiting for him, "Stupid bugs had to interrupt," he mutters making me smile as he gets into the car. He turns his head to looks at me, all his disappointment slowly disappearing, "It was a beautiful first date, Zach."

With that, I kiss his cheek causing a smile to spread across his face, "A kiss on the cheek would've been acceptable if I was only your best friend, Sugar," rolling my eyes at his childish grin, I pull him into a kiss.

Well not just one kiss, it's way more than that. He groans I kiss my way across his jaw, before pulling me back and holding me in place, "Sugar, you keep doing that-" I cut him off by getting off my seat and sitting on his lap ending in a gasp escaping my lips, feeling his hard-on.

"Still want to wait until we get home?" I question, kissing the edges on his lips, which are curling into a smile, "You are going to be the death of me," he whispers before quickly looking around, making sure that there is no one before turning his attention to me.

His hands grab my butt, pulling me closer, "Zach," I moan feeling him right at my core before shifting my concentration to getting his pants off. Fumbling with his jeans, a series of moans escape my lips as he leaves wet kisses on my neck, "You're always full of surprises, Sugar," he lets out a small laugh before kissing me again.

My arms wrap around his neck while kissing him back and his right-hand slides down to my panties making me moan into the kiss. I gasp as his finger brushes against my heat before taking off my panties as I help him out breathlessly, "I'm not sure why you decided on wearing a skirt but it sure came handy,"

Letting out a small laugh at his comment, I meet his loving gaze wondering how I got darn lucky to have my dream of him come true. Right now, all I know is that with every passing second, I grew more and more certain of our future together no matter how many reckless adventures we have.


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