°•°Chapter 28°•°

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"The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving."

Johann wolfgang von Goethe.

Chloe's POV.

"I'm sorry, what?!" I shriek in shock, "Ms. Rebecca Bailey left a spoken consent to the doctor before being taken into the surgery to allow the baby to be with you until she's recovered,"

"How is that even possible? She doesn't even know me, we only exchanged names on the way here," I shake my head in confusion and look over to Zach who's just got a straight face, "We could keep her safe you know?" he finally whispers making me bite my lip, looking at the baby who's busy with the little bottle of milk in her hands.

"Any procedure for this?" Zach asks looking at Mr. Williams, "Yes a little paperwork and a social worker will visit every day to ensure the baby is been taken care of. Failing which, the baby is back in the social service wing and will be taken care of,"

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath, "Just give us a second to discuss please?" he walks away and I look at Zach, "What do you think?"

I ask him and he gives me a small smile before kissing my forehead, "I know what you're thinking, so just say it out loud. You know I'm on board with anything you decide,"

"I want to take this baby back home and take care of her but we know nothing about her which scares me. What if someone pops out of nowhere claiming to be her family?"

"That is exactly what the social service team are going to take care of and she's a baby, we did do a lot of babysitting back in grad school so I don't see this being any different," a smile makes its way onto my face as the baby's little hand touches my cheek.

"We got you little Molly,"


"Dan! Thank god you guys are here," I sigh as we step into the house with Zach carrying Molly who's busy pulling at his hair, "Of course, we wouldn't leave you guys to take care of a baby alone. Especially with this whole situation being so overwhelming,"

Dan says giving me a quick hug while Eli takes the baby from Zach's arms, "You need a shower," Dan points out and I nod looking down at my pants with dried up blood on them.

"Come on, sugar," a tired Zach drags me back into our room and before anything else, I pull him into a hug. This was the most unexpected situation, I've ever been in and I'm dying of anxiety more than anything right now, "I love you,"

He kisses my forehead before pulling back to see my tearful eyes, "Love you too," with that he pulls me into a kiss with his mix of emotions as he stripped me out of my dirty clothes, "Let's get you all clean,"

Taking off our clothes, we step into the shower and I stand there paralyzed under the hot shower, "You're amazing, you know that?" I shake my head, "I'm not,"

"You are, just give yourself some credit sometimes," he mumbles against my shoulder while rubbing the loofa over my body, getting off the dry blood that I'm trying not to look at.

Without a word, once he washed the soap off my body, I turn around to face him and wrap my arms around him, "I don't know how I even made that decision. Just having you by my side to support me was enough," I kiss his chest as the water continued to pour down on us.

"It was the right call, sugar. We both can handle Molly and keep her safe; you're not alone on this or anything. You've always got me," his fingers trace my bareback, holding me close against himself, "This is all so overwhelming,"

"I know, Sugar. Let's just hope that Ms. Bailey makes it through and do our best to keep Molly safe," nodding, I kiss him. He kisses me back and slides his tongue into my mouth making me let out a soft moan.

"Zach, quickie," I breathe out as we break the kiss and within a blink, he held me against the glass shower wall, "Damn it, sugar,"

He groans slamming into me and I pull him into a kiss trying to let my moans stay contained before everyone could head it. We're doing unexpected things in unexpected situations.


"Snowy!" I squeal, holding Molly up as she giggles looking at him, "No, licking the baby's face," I shake my head in disapproval and he settles down on the floor as I smile at him.

"Now you little girl, need to eat," I say holding a giggling Molly back in my arms as she tapped on my cheek non-stop, "Here you go, baby food," Zach says entering the living room with a bowl. I grab my phone before taking a quick picture of Molly giving her an adorable smile, enough to melt anyone's heart.

"Hey there baby girl," he tickles Molly ever so slightly making her squeal and laughs, "Never did I imagine cooking baby food,"

I laugh at his comment while fixing Molly's bib, "Well, shows that you're always up for a challenge," grinning, I kiss his cheek as he starts feeding Molly the pureed food. Wow, definitely didn't imagine us this way, twenty-four hours ago.

"I'll have to go back to work in the evening for a few hours, do you think you can manage her alone?"

"Well, this baby girl has been amazing and not fussy at all so I don't see a problem in handling her alone," I say smiling and Snowy climbs on top of the couch before settling his head on the little space next to Molly on my lap.

She starts giggling once again, hitting Snowy on his head in excitement making me laugh, "The social service worker should have been here by now, right?"

"Yeah, I wonder what happened," I say sighing as I rest my head against the couch, "And update on Ms. Bailey?" he shakes his head disappointed while feeding little Molly the last spoonful of food.

With a smile, Zach grabs a napkin and wipes her mouth off as she played with my sweatshirt with her tiny hands, "I made chicken noodle soup," he says making me grin.

"I would love some," I say, removing the bib off Molly and grabbing the pair of socks to cover her cold feet. It's way too cold for even the heater, luckily there were enough clothes for her in the bag in the stroller and Dan is buying some more stuff before heading home.

The doorbell goes off and Zach heads towards the viewer to check who it is, "It's Mr. Williams," he shrugs before heading towards the door. Molly starts resting her head completely on my chest as her eyes begin to feel heavy.

I didn't see myself as a baby person though Zach and I did a lot of babysitting during grad school for extra money. Rubbing her little back, I let her fall asleep, "Good afternoon Ms. Miller and Mr. Russell. I hope I'm not disturbing you,"

"Not a problem at all," I breathe out once I make sure Molly is not up. Not really up for a round of cranky crying right now.


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