°•°Chapter 31°•°

87 6 15

"Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is."


Chloe's POV.

Looking through my camera lens, I snap a picture of Zach playing with Molly which causes a smile on my face. Did I want this? Hell, yes. Seeing Zach being a softie to Molly, made my heartache with happiness. I can't imagine what it'd be like if tables turned and we did get to have Molly, it'd change everything. We'll become a family of four and Snowy would be over the top to play with this little one. Family.

"Sugar, come on. Stop with the photos," Zach says with his boyish grin, something I missed the past week. What happened to him in these two years? He grew up into an amazing man that I never thought I deserved. Who would've thought the guy who was this manwhore yet amazing best friend would finally grow up at the classic darn age of twenty-seven. I swear, it's my new lucky number.

"Capturing memories with this little one," I say with a smile as I sit down cross-legged next to both of them. His hand snakes around my waist protectively before kissing my cheek, "Ma...ma!"

I take a sharp intake of breath as I realize Molly is searching for her mom as the door opens and closes. Of course, she recognizes her and remembers her, "Hey Molly, look here," Zach diverts her mind by showing her, her favorite teddy bear.

Sighing, I look at him as he picks her up and places her on his lap, "It's going to be okay," Zach whispers, rubbing circles on my hand while I place the camera aside and turn to face the both of them.

I open the gift wrap containing a storybook and show it to the excited looking Molly as she drops her teddy and claps her hands, "Do you like it, baby girl?"

A smile dances on my face as she crawls over slowly and touches the book before falling back on her bum, "That's one of the most adorable things I've seen her do," I say with a grin while Zach moves closer.

"Come here, love," I say before carrying her and placing her securely in my lap before holding the picture book of stories in front of her, "It was an amazing decision to spend Christmas eve with her,"

Zach whispers in my ear before leaning close and tickling Molly ever so slightly, making her squeal with a giggle. My phone goes off getting my attention and I grab it to see Blake video calling me, "Hey,"

Both me and Zach say in unison as I pick the call, "Where's the little princess that stole your hearts?" I roll my eyes with a smile before tilting the camera enough for Molly to be seen while she's engrossed in her storybook.

Molly looks up and starts hitting the screen with squeals making me laugh before Zach grabbed the phone with his long hands, "Nope, baby girl. No touching the phone," he tells her with his heartwarming smile before she slapped her little hand on his face making me burst in laughter.

"Wow, she doesn't like being interrupted," Blake says getting my attention again while letting out a laugh, "Sure doesn't,"

Zach adds while Molly blabbers the gibberish baby talk while hitting his face with both her hands, "Hey Molly, look here," I try getting her attention onto the toy tablet that had pronunciations of alphabets. Wow, these have annoying sounds but it worked, "Thanks for the save,"

Zach says with a chuckle, "I really hope you guys get to adopt her," Blake says with a genuine smile, "We hope so too," Zach adds behind me while letting his free hand now trace my waist.

"Isn't she the cutest?" I ask my brother with a grin, "Cute little monster," that made both me and Zach laugh.

This wasn't how Christmas was planned to go but if I had to start believing in fate, then so be it because I wasn't even supposed to be at work on the day of the accident. I can't imagine this little princess having to spend her Christmas with strangers, although we actually were strangers until ten days ago and everything changed.


"Dan! Put that beanie on for Molly," I tell him as I took a bite of the lasagna that Zach was pointing at me on the fork, "This is amazing," I say with my mouthful making him smile. We quickly glance at squealing Molly who's playing with Snowy who's got a Santa hat on.

We managed to get the permission to bring Molly home till evening and now I don't think this day can get any better, "I love you,"

"Love you too," I say before kissing Zach on his lips which he quickly responds to, holding me close to him by my waist, "This definitely tops our first Christmas together,"

"It sure does and thanks to you for making it possible," with a smile, I pull him into another kiss and he's quick to slip his tongue, making me lose any sense of surroundings, "Mistletoe!"

I jump startled by Eli's voice and shake my head flustered, noticing him holding mistletoe over our heads, "Seriously?"

A giggle escapes my lips making Zach let out a peal of small laughter before pulling me into another quick kiss, "Had to do it cause Eli asked," he winks at me making me shake my head with a smile. Talk about being a big softie and Zach is the first on the list, "Finally!"

Eli puts the mistletoe aside before grabbing a cannoli from the counter, "Merry Christmas, you man-child," I tell him with a laugh and he raises an eyebrow before laughing along, "To you too, amazing lady,"

I shake my head with a grin as he walked away back to Dan and Molly, "That was fun,"

"It sure was but when did you start believing in Mistletoe and all those weird things?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow before taking another bite of the lasagna, "I didn't, it's just nice to get you all flustered when I do stuff like this,"

He leans forward and kisses my neck making my eyes widen, "Zach, not now," I tell him with a warning look but with my face probably blushing pink, "Fine, eat then."

He huffs like a kid making me smile before I kissed his cheek, "I love how you can switch between being a kid and an amazing boyfriend within seconds," giggling, I get back to my now cold lasagna.

I notice Zach smiling as he observed everything that Molly did while rubbing circles on my free hand, this felt perfect. It sure freaked me out when he asked me about marrying him but deep down, I wanted to let go of my fear and consider it. It's my best friend for god's sake, it can't go as bad as it did with my parents but the reason I can't let go of the fear is also that he means way too much to risk anything.

I don't know what changed or what made him even more amazing than he was just as my best friend but this side of him, makes me want to say yes. Yes, to the possibility of an amazing future and yes, to the idea of marrying him.


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